View Full Version : Air flow problem

06-16-2016, 11:32 PM
I have a old 68 automag with a lot of work done on it as in its been ported on the air valve and in the on \off valve. Anyway I pulled it out after cleaning a space out and thought wouldn't it be cool to get the old boy up and running again easier said then done.
I of course changed all o-rings out for new ones and had to play around with the air hoses to stop some leaks in them all looks good but when I hook my tank up no leaks or anything but the gun won't fire when I pull the trigger nothing happens. I pulled the whole air valve out and tried to fire it by pushing the on\off valve down still nothing any thoughts on this be nice to shoot it again

captian pinky
06-17-2016, 08:24 AM
tank output pressure
screw the velocity screw in more

06-18-2016, 10:35 PM
What do you mean by ported on the air valve and on-off? The only porting that should be done on an AIR valve is with the old ones where a single hole needs to be drilled in the back half so that it lines up with the hole in the front half. The on-off needs nothing.

A mag valve needs at least 600psi for a level 7 bolt to work properly. A low pressure tank won't provide enough pressure.

Make sure the velocity is turned up enough. When you hold the trigger against the safety, is there a tiny gap between the back of the trigger and the front of the trigger rod?

Is the rail bushing in place?