View Full Version : CCM Fittings blowing

07-05-2016, 12:35 PM
I have 3 mags with CCM fittings 2 of them work great but for some reason one of my mags keeps blowing the orings in the CCM fittings. I have put new orings in each fitting, I have had them blow orings with 3 seperate tanks and it is not the same fitting that gets the oring blown. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone have an idea of how to fix it?

07-05-2016, 01:58 PM
I've only ever had one o-ring blow on my CCM fittings. It didn't really "blow" per se, but the fitting wasn't tightened down enough to maintain a good seal and the o-ring blew out from under the outer cover as a result. My fix was to put a drop of oil on the new o-ring, and tighten it down after setting the angle that I wanted the fitting to stay at. They aren't really meant to be loose enough to turn like on regular macroline fittings.

07-05-2016, 07:42 PM
I have 3 mags with CCM fittings 2 of them work great but for some reason one of my mags keeps blowing the orings in the CCM fittings. I have put new orings in each fitting, I have had them blow orings with 3 seperate tanks and it is not the same fitting that gets the oring blown. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone have an idea of how to fix it?
yes, it could be related to the macroline you're using, or the fitting itself. i've got a couple of old version ccm fittings that aren't sealing up like the newer versions have. i know ccm changed the post design, but maybe they also tweaked the other part as well? it's like there isn't enough of a base to support the o-ring and it gets pushed into a weird position, i don't know. i don't have any newer ccm fittings to check.

07-05-2016, 10:19 PM
Other than the colours, IMO they are that great.

The only thing i can tell you is to make sure that the ends of the macroline is squared. Not that its square going into the fitting(that helps too), more that the macro is cut square. I will use a razor, others have used pipe cutters to get that squared cut.

Then try what was said above. :)

07-06-2016, 11:33 AM
Which o-rings are blowing? I've had the ones blow out from under the outer housing, but like mentioned above, that was because it wasn't tightened down enough.

07-08-2016, 02:15 AM
One thing you can try is adding another o-ring (so two o-rings in each fitting). Make sure that, like what Nobody said, the macro line is squared. And push that line in HARD... Make sure it seats.