View Full Version : Marbilizer ??

10-26-2016, 01:10 PM
so who's following this GI suit ??
What do You think ??

10-26-2016, 04:18 PM
APX just gave Kee/GI a big middle finger...posted on FB by Gino...

We at APX want to set the record straight about GI’s lawsuit against us.
GI’s lawsuit against APX is not about protecting a patent. GI doesn’t have a patent. Kee Action Sports had a patent for blending two colors into a single gelatine ribbon - but that patent expired in 2014. The previously patented technology is now in the public domain - and everyone is free to use it. APX chose to make some paintballs using a two colored blended gelatine ribbon for simple reasons. With our Fyre grade, we think it looks cool and gives our customers a choice that is a little different. For our Dark Ops, which is made for woodsball, not only does it look cool, but its “cammo” and we think it blends in with the woods to make it harder to see coming. It seems our customers agree - our swirl paintball ball is very popular.
What is GI claiming? That’s not entirely clear. It seems GI is claiming that GI is the only one in the world that can make a paintball using a gel ribbon with two blended colors. As we understand it, according to GI, any paintball that has a two color blended ribbon somehow “infringes” on GI’s “Marballizer.” APX disagrees.
Specifically, GI claims that APX has “infringed” GI’s registered trademark for Marballizer paintballs by making paintballs that look like GI’s registered trademark. GI’s registered trademark looks like this:
You might think the same thing we do. Infringe on your trademark? Really? Our paintballs don’t look anything like your trademark.
What else is GI claiming? GI is claiming that APX is “passing off” APX “swirl” products as GI’s Marballizer. Specifically, GI claims that APX is seeking “to trade upon and/or diminish the widespread goodwill, reputation and selling power established by [GI], and to pass [APX’s] products off as those of GI.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. We aren’t about to agree that “Marballizer” has a reputation that anyone would want, but we sure are not “trading upon” GI’s goodwill or reputation. APX markets and sells its “swirl” paintballs as “Fyre” and “Dark Ops.” All of APX’s advertising shows APX as the manufacturer, and APX’s boxes proudly display “Made in the USA.” GI sells its Marballizer in a box that says “Marballizer.” It’s well known that GI does no manufacturing in the U.S. The box labels on the Marballizer we recently purchased say that it was made in Asia. GI claims that people buy our swirl ball because they think it’s a Marballizer. We don’t know anybody that has purchased an APX “swirl” paintball thinking it was a Marballizer or that it was made by GI. Every single one of our customers knows that we made it.

10-26-2016, 06:37 PM
These kind of lawsuits are usually instigated when one believes there opposition is weak. I don't see that to be the case at all with Valken. GI could be fishing for something... just my $.02

10-26-2016, 06:38 PM
I know what its all about ,, I'm lookin about how you / we think about it

I think it's BS

10-26-2016, 06:42 PM
I know what its all about ,, I'm lookin about how you / we think about it

I think it's BS

Absolutely. I wish GI would put as much effort into making paint that isn't total crap. I haven't shot a good case of marbs in years. Even Topgun has been slowly phasing Valken in.

10-26-2016, 06:49 PM
Absolutely. I wish GI would put as much effort into making paint that isn't total crap. I haven't shot a good case of marbs in years. Even Topgun has been slowly phasing Valken in.

Shot some APX Fyre last I played.

I wont be buying that stuff again.

When you pay 45 a case it should be better breaking than the 30 a case Triumph (made by GI) at Dicks, and its not.


10-26-2016, 09:44 PM
I know what its all about ,, I'm lookin about how you / we think about it

I think it's BS

It is total BS. Nothing more that GI trying to save its faltering sales. They evidently can't produce quality so they are masking the stench of failure with a healthy load of crap.

10-27-2016, 12:07 AM
Heh...marballizer used to be decent...back when I was paying about $90 a case...and that was cheap compared to when it was about $135 a case. I used to get it as my main ammo. Everyone else cheaped out and got the least expensive stuff they could find and then couldn't figure out why it curved so bad on them...if it even made it out of the barrel.

Last time I tried it it was total junk. Sadly disappointed.

10-27-2016, 04:33 AM
Shot some APX Fyre last I played.

I wont be buying that stuff again.

When you pay 45 a case it should be better breaking than the 30 a case Triumph (made by GI) at Dicks, and its not.


If you are buying paint at Dicks or Wallymart then you have no right to complain about anything. :P

10-27-2016, 04:48 AM
i haven't shot good paint since Zap back in the 90's.

10-27-2016, 06:25 AM
If you are buying paint at Dicks or Wallymart then you have no right to complain about anything. :P

I bought the APX at Wicked Sports.

What I meant to say is the Triumph at Dicks is as good if not better than the more expensive APX.

And yes I will be buying 30 dollar paint at Dicks.


10-27-2016, 06:25 AM
i haven't shot good paint since Zap back in the 90's.

Really that long ago? I've always thought paint took a quality dive after the early 2000s, but I didn't start playing until 1999. Sounds like I missed out on the really good stuff.

10-27-2016, 07:32 AM
I bought the APX at Wicked Sports.

What I meant to say is the Triumph at Dicks is as good if not better than the more expensive APX.

And yes I will be buying 30 dollar paint at Dicks.


I know you play with a church group a lot ,, you should talk with them and have them set up an account with Valken

10-27-2016, 09:09 PM
I know you play with a church group a lot ,, you should talk with them and have them set up an account with Valken

A local small storefront is the area GI rep, the one group pays for the paint after its sold and returns what isnt used.

The other group he delivers the paint and brings his 4500 compressor and supplies air for the day.

They are pretty locked in with him, and he does bring Valken and GI randomly, mostly what would be called field paint elsewhere.

Tends to be hit or miss on consistency.

Thats why I get my own paint.

I used to by Midnight from Sports Authority till it closed, I'd rate it a 7 out of 10, not bad for 30 dollars.

I've discovered that the Triumph from Dicks is the exact same GI paint renamed, same shell, same fill, same 30 dollars.

I usually shoot close to 2 cases a day, so the price tag is something that matters lol.


11-21-2016, 05:50 PM
I have been shooting the triumph from dicks. Not great, not terrible either.

11-21-2016, 08:23 PM
Any body remember these? back when companies took pride in their paint! Marbilizer was king back then!
Found it when I was going through my old shed looking for warp parts the other day!

11-21-2016, 08:33 PM
I have been shooting the triumph from dicks. Not great, not terrible either.



11-21-2016, 08:48 PM
It seems like any ball breaks I have are after they leave the barrel and no chops as of yet.

11-21-2016, 10:09 PM
Any body remember these? back when companies took pride in their paint! Marbilizer was king back then!
Found it when I was going through my old shed looking for warp parts the other day!

I totally remember those. Not bad paint at all. The only paint in my mind that sticks out as terrible was the brass eagle paint from my early days of playing and pro ball. Pro ball platinum was better. Evil paint kind of sucked sometimes too. Marbs back in the day always shot awesome for me no matter what gun. Nowadays, I mostly shoot triumph with minimal problems.

11-22-2016, 04:32 AM
Weird I see so much ProBall hate, as I had the opposite experience.
From about 96'-98' I remember proball being amazing. Great consistency, and this awesomely thick waxy chalky fill. That stuff was amazing. I've always thought it was the best paint.

11-22-2016, 08:14 AM
I also remember Proball as decent paint.

11-22-2016, 08:27 AM
Any body remember these? back when companies took pride in their paint! Marbilizer was king back then!
Found it when I was going through my old shed looking for warp parts the other day!

And RP was made in the USA

Can we name a American manufacture of Paint today ,, I don't know of one ,, I wish I did , I'd sell it instead of boxes marked china & korea

11-22-2016, 10:00 AM
I also remember Proball as decent paint.

Pro ball was hard as a rock. If it didn't break you would call out from the pain. Otherwise yes. Thick fill. Consistant. And round.

11-22-2016, 09:50 PM
I don't know. Maybe the proball at the local shop I frequented didn't have fresh paint or something. This was when I was a kid and walked or rode my bike to get paint for as cheap as possible. Paint was like $100 for a case then or more.

11-22-2016, 10:22 PM
And RP was made in the USA

Can we name a American manufacture of Paint today ,, I don't know of one ,, I wish I did , I'd sell it instead of boxes marked china & korea

Nelson Paintballs are 100% made in the USA.


They are located in Michigan.

Wish someone around here sold them, never had the opportunity to try them.

11-22-2016, 10:27 PM
Nelson Paintballs are 100% made in the USA.


They are located in Michigan.

Wish someone around here sold them, never had the opportunity to try them.

I totally forgot about them. That's one of the older paintballs. A field in NY that no longer exists used to carry that exclusively and it was fpo. Always good paint.

11-22-2016, 10:37 PM
I was wondering if Nelson was still around. Never had much luck with them the couple times we demoed them, usually extremely hard. But they use have some nice scenery at world cup every year, pretty sure that's the only reason we gave their paint more than one shot!

11-23-2016, 05:43 AM
according to Simon, Nelson still makes small runs of .62 caliber paint.

11-23-2016, 06:59 PM
I totally forgot about them. That's one of the older paintballs. A field in NY that no longer exists used to carry that exclusively and it was fpo. Always good paint.


They invented paintballs and the first paintball gun.

They were the first.


11-23-2016, 07:19 PM

They invented paintballs and the first paintball gun.

They were the first.


That's pretty cool information. Thank you. I knew they were old, but I didn't know all of that. Interesting stuff.

11-23-2016, 07:29 PM
I've used Nelson Anarchy a few times in the past couple of years and I've been unimpressed. It isn't bad but it also isn't anything spectacular. I'd take Valken Redemption over Nelson Anarchy any day.

11-23-2016, 08:25 PM
I've used Nelson Anarchy a few times in the past couple of years and I've been unimpressed. It isn't bad but it also isn't anything spectacular. I'd take Valken Redemption over Nelson Anarchy any day.

With me at this point ,, it's all about employing Americans , I will do everything I can in my business & personal life to buy American and promote Made in America businesses
I do realize that sometimes this will be impossible , I also realize sometimes , maybe I really don't need what I'm lookin at buyin
The toaster I use everyday was built in the USA in 1959 , yes 1959 . lets see china make a toaster that good

11-23-2016, 08:52 PM
My field just switched from Nelson to Valken. I haven't shot enough Valken yet to compare, but I LOVE Nelson Special Forces. Been shooting it for a few years now and it always seemed consistent. My only complaint is the fill would stain sometimes. I think the owner switched because Valken was cheaper, but i haven't asked.

11-23-2016, 09:37 PM
My field just switched from Nelson to Valken. I haven't shot enough Valken yet to compare, but I LOVE Nelson Special Forces. Been shooting it for a few years now and it always seemed consistent. My only complaint is the fill would stain sometimes. I think the owner switched because Valken was cheaper, but i haven't asked.

Valken's good paint , some of the best out there ( maybe the best ) , I've never shot any Nelson paint , but you can bet I will before I buy my next pallet ,, I'd pay more for an American product if it shoots as well ;; after all I Shoot an AutoMag

11-27-2016, 10:35 PM
The toaster I use everyday was built in the USA in 1959 , yes 1959 . lets see china make a toaster that good

But they are only 6 dollars at wallyworld ?


12-10-2016, 10:20 PM
Used Nelson for a long time, always had good luck with it. I have used most of their different grades but liked Special forces best then followed by anarchy. Shot it through, mags, cockers, phoons, shoeboxes, tippys, phantoms, and more. Miss the marbs of old when I first got in to paintball about 98 to 04, they used to be fieldpaint for Hell Survivors before their Fireball field paint. What happened to Diablo/Draxxus paint?

12-12-2016, 09:47 PM
In my opinion the lawsuit is valid. I actually don't see Valken being able to defends itself. IMO they seem to be in pretty clear violation of the trademark dress.
Considering this is a second breach of the trademark violation I think GI will win.

You might think it's stupid , but it's not. When you own a trademark you defend it. If you don't then you lose it.
What's silly is that Valken was already smacked for it once and then they just reached right back into the cookie jar.

I have no love for either company in regards to their specific operations. I just believe in good business ethics.
In this case it does appear that GI has good cause to protect it's trademark dress.

If the case goes far enough, a jury will decide just how much merit there is.