View Full Version : X mags and reballs....not compatible?

11-26-2016, 02:47 AM
Tonight me and my brother went to check out reball for the first time. His brand new automag ule custom rt with ult trigger would not shoot reballs consistently. The gun would chuff and ball would roll out or would chuff and not fire. My tac one ule custom would do the same but then I had to stick my finger in feed neck and push the bolt back about an 1/8" to reset bolt, other wise it would just stop even attempting to fire. We had our guns down to about the 230~240fps range. Guns also fire paint great just not reballs. One thing I did try was swapping out my gold spring for red but the it would not shoot at all. If I have too I'll put a lvl 7 bolt set up in it for reball but don't really want to deal with all that. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

11-26-2016, 02:51 PM
I've never shot reballs, but 230-240 is pretty low for a mag. You might need to turn up the velocity (even to get the same fps with the reballs, heard they need a little more oomf).

11-26-2016, 04:16 PM
They actually shot the same fps as paint. Then we had to down tune and had the issues listed above. My old automag 68 worked great but want to use my ULT mag as everyone that shows up it ripping on electro's.

Things I'm hoping might work:
•use level 7 bolt spring
•maybe put level 7 bolt in x valve
•trying different ball detent (maybe reball does not have enough give and is causing the lvl x to think the ball is half way in breech)
•not playing in advanced time block but rather in beginners and popping 10 year olds with my old mag. Joke*

11-26-2016, 06:17 PM
Switch to the level 7 bolt. The level 10 is just too sensitive for rubber paintballs. The point of the level 10 is to not break paintballs in the breach from chopping.
With Reball there is zero need for the sensitivity of the level 10. You can hammer away with reball and never worry about chopping a ball.
In all respects the gun will fire the same with a level 7 and reball.....it will never break paint!

11-26-2016, 07:27 PM
Thanks Tim, me Eric will be in Friday night then. He'll need the level 7 bolt, tip, spacer and o ring. I also checked my husky air tool oil, not synthetic. So we will need that too. Thanks again.

ghost flanker
11-28-2016, 02:34 AM
Before swapping out the L10 bolt for the L7 bolt, I would first try just replacing the L10 bolt spring with a L7 bolt spring (assuming a L7 spring is not already installed in the gun) to reduce the L10 bolt's sensitivity.

Another thing I am wondering is whether the extra small diameter of the reballs might be the culprit. Could it be possible that the L10 bolt is pinching the bottom of the next ball in the ball stack above?

11-29-2016, 07:08 PM
I will try the L7 spring out soon as some reballs come in the mail. That's a good point about the bolt maybe clipping, the reballs are .675. I will check that out too once I get some. Thanks for the idea