View Full Version : Weird trigger issue and Velocity issues

11-30-2016, 10:12 PM
Fellow Maggers,

I sent my gun to Tuna a while back to tune my level 10 (was having chopping issues and that seemed to be resolved for the short period of time the gun worked)...

It is an automag RT Pro with the xvalve (the black one).

Now when I air up the gun... sometimes I get a leak down the barrel (and it won't fire when this happens)... and sometimes the sear pin engages half way (only comes out about half the normal distance behind the trigger and when you pull the trigger the gun doesn't cycle)... and sometimes the gun fires.

I am also getting really horrible velocity consistency... I have to dial it down to about 250 to stay under 300... it fluctuates that much shot to shot. I don't think it is a paint issue because my Rize shoots the same paint with no issues with velocity (and the same barrel for that matter).

I have a parts kit... and I took the gun apart the other night... and none of the seals looked visibly worn or chewed up or damaged...

Anyone have any idea what seals I should look at replacing? What should I change out to eliminate potential causes? Are the issues with the trigger and the barrel leak associated with the velocity issues? Or is everything indicative of separate issues?

Thanks guys!


11-30-2016, 10:35 PM
I hate to 2nd guess Tuna ,,, but
Trigger rod , a credit card thickness between rod and trigger aired up
Oil ,, put some more in it , try it again ( 3/4/5 drops ) , if it cycles shoot it the excess oil will come out the front
Field strip screw tension ,, it's called the FS screw for a reason , too tight may not cycle .. too loose may not cycle
Level X , ya need to watch the vids & figure out how to do this on your own , it's really not hard at all & ya shouldn't have to send it away to have it tuned & normally their won't be anyone at your local field to ask for advice

12-01-2016, 04:11 AM
What is the tank pressure you are using?
Make sure that your powertube tip is screwed on tightly.

Also, you can talk to Tuna about this. As it happened after you got the gun back, i am sure he will fix the issues that you are having.

12-01-2016, 11:54 AM
Sounds like an issue with the regulator seat o-ring thinger (#32 in the image below). If that's worn out, it can allow too much air into the main part of the valve. That much psi can push past the on/off o-rings, which makes your trigger feel weird (and light), and it can also cause the velocity spikes.


I have a parts kit... and I took the gun apart the other night... and none of the seals looked visibly worn or chewed up or damaged...

And this means nothing, sadly. I've had the same problem before, where the o-ring looks fine, but after I replace it, everything works better. Remember that there's 800+ psi pressing against these tiny, tiny parts. It doesn't take a very big flaw to cause problems.

If it were me, I'd just replace all the seals at once (since you have a parts kit on hand). That way it's done, and you don't have to worry about it again for a few years, at least. You could, on the other hand, go through and replace the seals one by one, testing the valve after each change. But you'll probably run out of air that way. And another seal might fail next year, and then you're stuck doing the whole process over again.

12-01-2016, 03:35 PM
are you using a high pressure tank outputting at least 800?

12-05-2016, 07:40 PM

I was using a SHP reg on a 68 4500... output pressure from the tank is about 1250 PSI... the power tube tip was tight... Sent it back to Tuna a few days ago...

12-05-2016, 07:42 PM

AWESOME DIAGRAM MAN!! Super helpful... seriously... I saved it for future use.

I will keep in mind what you said about the seals.

I ordered a set of picks a few days ago to help me with that process.

Thanks again!!


12-05-2016, 08:18 PM

I have a SHP reg on a 68 4500... outputting about 1250 PSI.

The gun is on its' way to you.

Thanks for all you do.

12-05-2016, 08:22 PM
Mondo, I'm local, around the Pflugerville area. I'm by no means Tuna but I know a thing or two about mags. Id be happy to help out in anyway I can. Drop me a pm with your cell number.

12-17-2016, 11:29 AM
Update: Got the gun back from Tuna and ripped 200 rounds through it the other day with no problems... seems to be working well... won't be able to Chrono until tomorrow at the field... but so far so good.

12-17-2016, 11:38 AM
Update: Got the gun back from Tuna and ripped 200 rounds through it the other day with no problems... seems to be working well... won't be able to Chrono until tomorrow at the field... but so far so good.
The gun is tight. You need to run a few CASES of paint through it before it starts getting good...

12-17-2016, 10:44 PM

Thanks for all your help man... and for making the extra effort to get the gun back to me so I could play with it tomorrow... you are the man and your efforts are appreciated!!


12-18-2016, 08:52 AM
and dont forget that mags work on the principal of a FULL TRIGGER PULL and FULL TRIGGER RELEASE every shot. Practice that.

12-19-2016, 09:25 PM

Took the gun out yesterday and it performed GREAT!

I broke a couple of balls in the barrel but I am attributing it to the weather (it was about 30 degrees out) and possibly questionable paint. In any event... they were barrel breaks so I am confident Level 10 is working well.

Thanks again for your help!!
