View Full Version : Stormwalk Frame????

12-16-2016, 01:31 AM
Okay so I need some help tracking down a very unique stormwalk frame that I sold some years back. Unfortunately my pms of the sale didn't go back far enough and I'm trying to hunt the buyer down. Now onto the frame. I purchased a one of two special designed stormwalk frame from jay ala Cerberus designs. He only made two just in case the one he made for me didn't work out correctly the first time. This design had a bunch of extra milling done and also had all the extra air ports removed. It was designed by myself using his frame to incorporate a Utb and battery inside the rail and top of frame. In essence it would to the naked eye look like a mech and even had clear see through panels to show nothing electrical inside the frame. It was deemed by me the ghostmag and was something I spent a lot of effort in building in my head with design and everything. Even had luke specially mil a bunch more areas out of the inside of a splinter rail to accommodate my design. Sadly times got rough and with jobs in transition back then and making sure five children were well cared for I ended up selling all my mags including this unfinished project. I'm in a much better place now and have recently acquired two mags one being an x0116 from mister maniac my first x by the way and a mech mag from opbn that I'm turning into a devil mag as we speak. Long rant aside if anyone can help me track this frame and rail down and if the original purchaser still has the parts I'm interested in reaquiring this and trying to finish my special project.

Thanks in advance for any help from all of our members
Mike Brothman

12-16-2016, 02:48 AM

I pulled this picture from one of need4reebs posts cause he's the last one who came to my mind that had one of the frames, in the thread it says he sold the frame and build, shouldn't be too hard to track down, good luck and godspeed

12-16-2016, 04:01 AM
I have the frame he seeks...one of 4 in my possession.

12-16-2016, 07:43 AM
I have the frame he seeks...one of 4 in my possession.

Monty Hall !


12-16-2016, 10:40 AM
Yes that was quicker then I expected but he does have the frame. Here is hoping to get it back cuz I would love to finish this project and then pass it down to my children as they each become old enough to play.
