View Full Version : Paintball In Germany?

02-28-2002, 04:08 PM
Me and a friend of mine have taken it upon ourselves to become 'paintball ambassadors" for our high school.
We have quite a few foriegn exchange students,so far we've only brought one ballin' with us. Anyway...he is from germany and said he had never heard of paintball in his country and said something along the lines of it maybe not being legal.
If anyone has any info. on this lemme know.
And p.s. if your from Germany and its not illegal please tell me where any fields are.
This kid is hooked now! Id feel bad if he had to go to France or somewhere just to play.
Thanks in advance

03-01-2002, 08:14 AM

03-01-2002, 08:32 AM
Iīm from Germany, and can tell you, paintball isnīt illegal. It has only a lot of conditions ... especially the markers (every marker must be allowed by the BKA) and the safety (3m high net round the field, not for the public, and a lot of others :( ).
We, the Black-Renegades and Team Shamrock have a SupAir field in a old carpet factory in Regensburg Picture of the field (http://www.manuelknorr.de/Halle01.jpg)
If you are interested, email me ... there are some fields left in Germany.