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02-28-2002, 06:40 PM
What is so bad about paintball?!?!?!?
Alright-just to let you know I'm pist off right now so some of my views may change within a day but
How come everybody is bringing out the FEW BAD scenarios of paintball! I know there is worse ones in football-baseball-basketball-and all those other sports. It is just that they recignize those as "SPORTS".


02-28-2002, 06:44 PM
where do u see people doing this coffey?

02-28-2002, 06:47 PM
i see alot of people criticizing the sport of paintball as a whole.the "guns","shooting""and kills" arent good either.I think "markers",and"tags" would sound much better.

02-28-2002, 06:52 PM
How about this?

What if the only thing you saw involving Fly Fishing was old men going down main street casting away into crowds of people or into stores? How might one’s opinion of this sport be?

You can not blame folks who would normally never even see a regular game of paintball, or paintball in a responsible way, for feeling bad about the sport when all they DO see is the idiots. And sorry to say, those idiots are part of the sport. So who are you going to blame?

I say, stop saying how uninformed the general public is about the sport, and how they got/get/are getting the wrong impressions, and start educating them (not bashing them for feeling how they do because of the ONLY exposure they have had), and start putting the blame on whom it truly belongs… the idiots.. who unfortunately are still members of the sport.

Just something to think about….

02-28-2002, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by shartley
And sorry to say, those idiots are part of the sport.

No they aren't. They are thugs and vandals and criminals.

If someone mugs someone with a baseball bat are they part of baseball?

If someone smashes you around the head with a golf club does that mean they legitimately play golf?

Of course it doesn't. These people are criminals and should be treated as such. It's opinions like that which still associate such low lifes with paintball that we need to stop.


02-28-2002, 07:24 PM
OK. If you really want to change the image of paintball to be "less" war-like....change the paintball marker to look more like a flower...then you can toss them at your opponents on the field and they are "out" if they laugh their asses off.
Comeon! Jeez. Paintball is more popular than ever and if popularity spreads slowly so be it! There is a sense of people not wanting paintball to be associated with war. I guess they never should have made a marker look and operate like a "gun". There will be to much comprimise to achieve that. I own a Glock and an Automag. Going paintballing does not make me want to make me wish I had my Glock instead. Leave paintball for the mature and we will all be alright.

02-28-2002, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by shartley

I say, stop saying how uninformed the general public is about the sport, and how they got/get/are getting the wrong impressions, and start educating them (not bashing them for feeling how they do because of the ONLY exposure they have had)

lets pool our money and buy a paintball tv station so we can educate people! :D

02-28-2002, 07:31 PM
If someone hits you in the head with an axe.. does it mean they are a lumberjack?

If someone hits you with their car doing 90 does it mean they are a racecar driver?

If someone shoots you with a bow and arrow does it mean they are a bow hunter?

If someone bashes your head in with a torque wrench does it mean they are a mechanic?

If someone nails you in the groin with a impact wrench does it mean they are part of a NASCAR pit crew? (that was lame)

If someone flys a plane into your office building does it mean they are a pilot?

I'm sorry for taking it to that extent but thats what you are saying shart. Unless they play paintball on a regular basis like most of us... they aren't part of our sport.

02-28-2002, 07:34 PM
LOL Okay… opinions that associate people who buy a paintball marker, air tank, paintballs, and whatever other equipment they get (usually much more than just one piece of equipment) and then misuse it, with the sport of paintball are the problem, not those doing the actions.

The flaw in that analogy (paintball VS baseball) is that baseball bats are used in the sport of baseball to hit a ball, and nothing else. It is an offensive piece of equipment to be used ONLY on a ball. Paintball Markers are designed to shoot things… which is a bit different. In fact, they are designed to shoot other players….. baseball? Nah, I don’t think so.

I agree that they are punks and criminals depending on their actions….. However, for the general public…. Walk like a duck, talk like a duck.. must be a duck. Paintball Players can disown these punks all they want, and even say that part of the problem is that people outside the sport (and some INSIDE it) say these idiots are also part of the sport, but the TRUTH is that like it or not, they ARE a part of the sport.

If you want to include rec players in the sport, you also have to include those who use the equipment in an improper manner as part of the sport as well. In fact, about the only thing separating the idiots from standard rec players IS the misuse of the equipment. And as for legitimate part? Who said anything about legitimate? If all the general public saw of Golf was people being attacked by Golf Clubs, do you think they would care if those doing the attacking were “legitimately” playing golf? Or legitimate gold players?

That is my point. What YOU (paintball players in general) think, and what THEY (the general public) think, can often be totally different things. And you can’t blame them for thinking something bad when all they see is bad. Oh, unless it is that only people doing good things are part of the sport… because Paintball does not have anything bad… right?

How about this? Instead of trying to stop people from associating people who use Paintball Equipment to do bad things WITH the sport of Paintball… why not focus your energy on those making the sport look bad….. and those are the idiots, not the general public. I think that would be much more effective than misdirection of blame.

02-28-2002, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by shartley

How about this? Instead of trying to stop people from associating people who use Paintball Equipment to do bad things WITH the sport of Paintball… why not focus your energy on those making the sport look bad….. and those are the idiots, not the general public. I think that would be much more effective than misdirection of blame.

the only problem with this is that they dont listen to any one!! they are idiots and will do what they please:mad:

02-28-2002, 07:38 PM
I agree! So this being the case, we are to blame the general public? I know that is much easier than addressing the real issue… but it is not right.

02-28-2002, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by shartley
What if the only thing you saw involving Fly Fishing was old men going down main street casting away into crowds of people or into stores? How might one’s opinion of this sport be?.....

I think that might make my opinion of fly fishing even better.

02-28-2002, 07:55 PM
LOL Thanks Gimp... well needed (honestly).

Major Ho
02-28-2002, 11:35 PM
Sorry to sound like a big stickler but what happened to having a thread subject that pertains to the thread topic? Obviously you have enough posts to know whats going on...

Im not being an arse or anything, Id call it constructive criticism.

03-01-2002, 12:19 AM
The prices, they are disgusting and silly. Thats why i quit, im not guna keep paying that much money for a sport where the guns either break, or break balls. Each ball costs at LEAST 3 cents. Thats a booty load of money it used to cost me like 80 bucks a day. playing hopper ball. Id shoot a case a day playing hopper ball. Whats up with that? it costs so damned much, the refs suck, people cheat. Thats another thing, EVEN THE PROS CHEAT!. IT friggen a joke.

03-01-2002, 05:42 AM
Major Ho
Good point. After re-reading the original post, I see that it does not necessarily pertain to OUTSIDE paintball stuff looking IN, but other things already within the sport. I am sorry for not fully grasping this (until now).....

My only defense is that it was a VERY long day, I was doing many things at once, and it followed directly after reading the post about the negative Article written about Paintball. I am sure you can now see why I thought what I did.... even if it was not quite on topic.

But.... in defense of the total thread.... I have seen MANY other threads go WAY off topic in manners that did not pertain to paintball at all. ;)

(Added: LOL And after re-reading MajorHo’s post… I see that he was talking about something different too. LOL He was talking about the SUBJECT LINE and the POST CONTENT, not my slightly off base response. LOL NEED MORE COFFEE!!!!! Thank God it is Friday. Anyone else have this kind of week? LOL)

03-01-2002, 07:06 AM

(tee hee, I am the epitome of wit!)