View Full Version : *^* April/2017 MOTM Contest *^* - CLASSIC Class Poll

05-05-2017, 04:13 PM
<a href="http://s1108.photobucket.com/user/Jonathan_Wyly_Prince/media/IMG_1440_zps4f21e88a.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h406/Jonathan_Wyly_Prince/IMG_1440_zps4f21e88a.jpg~original" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_1440_zps4f21e88a.jpg"/></a>


05-07-2017, 07:51 PM
I think we need a little bit more moderation in what is considered "Old-school".

Going_home.. sweet gat, but she aint old school.

ule body (made of aluminum)= not old skool (unless it is so hidden in old skool goodness that I can't tell)
newly produced frames (Vert and aftermarket ones, mostly)= not old skool (unless it is so hidden in old skool goodness that I can't tell)
rt, emag, x valve = not old skool (unless it is so hidden in old skool goodness that I can't tell)
electro and pneu frames will be posted on the OPEN Class poll, regardless of the rest of the marker's components
nasty Mags will be posted on the OPEN Class poll, regardless of the rest of the marker's components

05-08-2017, 06:09 AM
Mmmm dat stainless AKA barrel. One of the best old-skool gems.

05-08-2017, 01:42 PM
I think we need a little bit more moderation in what is considered "Old-school".

Going_home.. sweet gat, but she aint old school.

ule body (made of aluminum)= not old skool (unless it is so hidden in old skool goodness that I can't tell)
newly produced frames (Vert and aftermarket ones, mostly)= not old skool (unless it is so hidden in old skool goodness that I can't tell)
rt, emag, x valve = not old skool (unless it is so hidden in old skool goodness that I can't tell)
electro and pneu frames will be posted on the OPEN Class poll, regardless of the rest of the marker's components
nasty Mags will be posted on the OPEN Class poll, regardless of the rest of the marker's components

I tend to agree, although this is kind of borderline as I see it. Half the parts are classic (rail, foregrip, valve, airline, sight rail) and the other isn't. If you ask me, I also consider it to be more Open than Classic but then I had so many issues with that in the past that today I tend to respect what the person who entered it asked for in terms of segmentation (unless of course it really doesn't make any sense) and then I let the voters decide.

05-09-2017, 11:40 AM
Mmmm dat stainless AKA barrel. One of the best old-skool gems.

theres a 12 inch one on ebay for 32 bucks if u interested

05-11-2017, 05:16 PM
excuse me if I'm hallucinating here, but doesn't Going Home's marker have a modern day aluminium frame? And body! And feed neck.

05-11-2017, 05:18 PM
excuse me if I'm hallucinating here, but doesn't Going Home's marker have a modern day aluminium frame? And body! And feed neck.

i think it was a trap... to see how many people would honor the rules

05-11-2017, 05:20 PM
i think it was a trap... to see how many people would honor the rules

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theshirtlist.com%2 Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F04%2FIts-A-Trap.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theshirtlist.com%2Fits-a-trap-t-shirt-3%2F&docid=_UIQrnMkEouNQM&tbnid=W_o56U7hbMtBOM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwje7oXm7-jTAhVEyWMKHX7_CAoQMwiqASg2MDY..i&w=630&h=630&bih=770&biw=1600&q=it%27s%20a%20trap&ved=0ahUKEwje7oXm7-jTAhVEyWMKHX7_CAoQMwiqASg2MDY&iact=mrc&uact=8

05-12-2017, 12:17 AM
Honestly, this months poll was for me personally hard to decide upon. Going_homes mag does have lots of modern parts.

Then again djinforms mag is mostly old school, but it's such a mismatch of different color parts that there really isn't any cohesion in it, topped by what looks like raw unanodized rail. It just doesn't look like motm mag for me, and that decided my vote.

05-12-2017, 05:10 AM
IMHO, it is extremely hard now to do a classic build. To a point, you will see the same parts over and over again, and it is only up to the person to attempt to have them anno'd to a matching colour. In a classic RT, it is evem more difficult as there was absolutely so real parts for it. It is not like you had a choice of rails.

Now, if there were more choices than the 2 present, it would easily be able to vote out those that either ignore the rules (going_home) or while a valiant attempt, is to me unfinished(djinnform). It could be his own Frankenstein build, choosing togo with mis-matching parts. IDK, like i said, if there were more people submitting entries, then the people code plainly not vote on those that ignore the rules and tbose that are cobbled together just for an entry.

captian pinky
05-12-2017, 07:57 AM
I know i have had this discussion in the past and from what i was gathering from past winners is 1 exception to the rule. But in the end it depends on what the guy running the poll and the AO community want. This is kind of what i was thinking.

rt mag (rt valve being the exception)

classic mag with a ule body ( ule being the exception)

classic mag with intelliframe or newer ( frame being the exception)

classic mag with intelliframe and ule ( not allowed)

classic rt mag is where the lines get blurry:

classic rt with ule ( ule)

classic rt with frame (frame)

classic rt with ule and frame ( not allowed)

05-12-2017, 09:26 PM
I have been off as I was in the hospital getting refurbished (I had three stents installed this week and was really close to dying with a 99% obstruction on a very important heart artery). I just got home today and I'm fine now.

Now, from what I read, the majority of people who is writing here do want me to get tougher on the rules again which is also kind of funny as the modern mag is actually winning it as of now (14-13 votes). Again, even though I run this poll, I do it for the community so it's not just about my own personal taste or liking even though I also voted for going_home's Mag for the same reasons outlined above by others.

Moving forward, I'll get back to shifting entries between Classic or Open polls as they comply or not with the rules, ok? You guys do have a point.

Thanks for the feedback.

05-13-2017, 12:28 AM
Glad youre home, refurbished, and no longer defective!

I think I can speak for everyone to say that we really, really appreciate that you put this together every month. It's awesome. Thank you.

To everyone - let's try moderating ourselves well enough so as to minimize work for mspd.

05-13-2017, 01:18 AM
I have been off as I was in the hospital getting refurbished (I had three stents installed this week and was really close to dying with a 99% obstruction on a very important heart artery). I just got home today and I'm fine now.

Now, from what I read, the majority of people who is writing here do want me to get tougher on the rules again which is also kind of funny as the modern mag is actually winning it as of now (14-13 votes). Again, even though I run this poll, I do it for the community so it's not just about my own personal taste or liking even though I also voted for going_home's Mag for the same reasons outlined above by others.

Moving forward, I'll get back to shifting entries between Classic or Open polls as they comply or not with the rules, ok? You guys do have a point.

Thanks for the feedback.

Wow...that's scary! Hope you are feeling better and heal quickly!

05-13-2017, 05:57 AM
excuse me if I'm hallucinating here, but doesn't Going Home's marker have a modern day aluminium frame? And body! And feed neck.

Yours has an unfinished rail that isnt old school, pump kit and hitman mod arent old school, ccm air fitting, PE T rail and asa arent either.

Pot and kettle are black ?

Next month has a classic RT with ULE mod which I think is very cool.

Mendel theres nothing wrong with old school as it is.

Just a few that have nothing better to do but be critical..,..

Glad you are feeling better sir, hope you can still play.
