View Full Version : best starter gun

02-28-2002, 09:46 PM
If you were to start playing today, and you had 200 dollars what gun would you get?

02-28-2002, 10:13 PM
used old cocker for 180 bucks or so. This is asuming you can figure out simple mecanics to time and stuff like that which is not hard to figure out. if you want a lower performing gun for the same money then buy any of the above. I love spyders. What the best thing to do is that once you find that you are going to stickw ith paintball... and most people do, cept me for i am powerfull, is then incest in a gun that you are going to keep. Like a nice cocker, or a bushmaster. Otherwise you will be stuck in an eternal upgrading spiral.

02-28-2002, 10:21 PM
I started with a Bob Long Millenium almost 3 years back...
BIG mistake. Too much can go wrong with the spyder clones. Blown orings everywhere, inconsistant performance day to day.
My little bro spent 130$ less and got a Tippmann, which is still part of our marker collection... the Millenium got traded off last year.
Go with the tippmann and a decent aftermarket barrel. It's all you need to have a very decent rec-ball marker, and it can be had for less than 200$.
Tippmanns are tanks, we've never had trouble with my bro's 98, and my Millenium was a pain in the butt.

02-28-2002, 10:24 PM
I agree with liigod about the finding a gun your going to stick with. Ive kept the same mag for 6 years. I finally got an rt but that isnt much of an upgrade for a 6 year period of time.

I said spyder because they are like 90 bux brand new and they arnt that bad of a begainer gun.

02-28-2002, 10:26 PM
ICD Puma. But!! since they don't make them anymore, I'll have to say an ICD Alley Cat. Those markers are so rugged. My puma was run over by a car, still works. It always works. It's such a simple marker. You can't go wrong with it. They're aren't many aftermarket parts for it, but you dont need them, because it's just a beginners marker.

Load SM5
02-28-2002, 11:01 PM
Heck I'd go ahead and snag a Black Dragon. Why not have a competative gun to start? The one I shot was pretty sweet.

edit* I'm not saying the others are'nt competative, but let's face it, a mouseclick trigger can be an advantage.

02-28-2002, 11:11 PM
i think load has a point. a mouse click trigger would help a nubie aginst a group of turny guys.

02-28-2002, 11:21 PM
I wish i had waited a few months, i got the 98 before the dragon came out... but forget that, now im gonna buy a minimag so ill have a better gun anyways

03-01-2002, 07:13 AM
If someone is looking for a good starter gun and only had 200 to spend I'd have to say a tippmann 98 custom. It's a rugged gun that will last for a newbie. Also when you get more familiar with the game and gun it's easy to upgrade and you can do a ton to it. That's what I did until I got a sweet deal on an auto classic ($150, it was sitting in the back of the storeroom just forgotten about and the owner of the store told me to give him an offer. I said it as a joke and he said okay to that price and threw in a 14" J&J barrel and 500 rounds so I could play that day at his field). So now I have my mag and a great back up. All I have to do now is get the nitro for the both and I'm set.

just a side question: has anyone ever tried to run a mag classic off of CO2, and how well did it perform?

03-01-2002, 07:19 AM
I started with a Spyder with an ACI barrel. I hear a lot of Spyder bashing - and it seems like mine must've been a "Wednesday" built one (the car guys will know what I mean by that). My Spyder ruled. It never broke paint, I could shoot fast, it was consistent, accurate, everything one could ask for in a paintball gun.
I used that Spyder for three or four years. I miss it.

03-01-2002, 12:40 PM
I bought a spyder SE, but I like things to be difficult. For a newbie, Model 98 Custom all the way. It's not Metric like a spyder, it's not all the same problems as a Spyder just not metric *cough* Pirhana *cough*. They're the AK-47 of the paintball world. Dig a hole with em. They shoot paint. Shove 4 balls in the stock barrel, add water! Still shoots. Crack the frame (have fun trying), it'll shoot if it hasn't lost it's seal. I look at m98's as the red-headed step brother to the Mag, you know you just wanna slap it around and see what kinda beating it'll take. :D

03-01-2002, 12:58 PM
I'd definently say used Automag Classic. I've seen em for 200 with a 20oz co2 tank and loader to boot. It's simple, reliable, accurate and has a good resale value.

03-01-2002, 01:54 PM
best gun for 200$???hm...i know..MY GUN!piranha pro ts g3.....they are reliable,good looking,and very accurate,and cheap....

03-01-2002, 06:28 PM
All i have to say for that qeustion is Brass Eagle. I'm sure you can find a great model for under $100 .... like the famous clear Stingray II or the Talon.
J/K ........ I started with a Tippmann 98 and loved it. For the money u cant go wrong and it extreemly tuff. Also lots of upgrades.

dave p
03-01-2002, 06:39 PM
i loved my tippman 68 carbine. it broke like 5 balls the entire time i used it(over a year). i really wish i kept it as a loaner/backup type of thing. id have to say(totally blowing off the 200$ limit) a good starter gun would be an angel bushy or imp or shocker or something. definately electro.

then when you get GOOD you can just go out and kick butt with your MAG!!!!

03-01-2002, 07:37 PM
Used mag!

03-02-2002, 09:00 AM
i would have to say a spyder
the only problem i really ever had with my spyder was when i sliced a ball and the bolt was stuck.
Other than that, heck i still have the gun and use it every once and awhile

03-03-2002, 09:26 PM
A paintshell getting stuck in your bolt is a small problem. They have instructions on how to fix that on the kingmanusa.com support page.

03-03-2002, 09:33 PM
this was like 5 years ago

03-04-2002, 06:13 AM
I almost bought a Piranha before I bought my Mag cause of cash purposes....but came to my sences. :)

03-04-2002, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by RATM
A paintshell getting stuck in your bolt is a small problem. They have instructions on how to fix that on the kingmanusa.com support page.

Small problem? A gun malfunctioning isn't a small problem for most newbies, know what I mean? I bet Kingman's site has the LONG directions that require you to be off the field to do it... Here's my method, take the barrel off, put the straight shot in the breach, find something solid and ram the bolt back. Only problem is you might break a 3 dollar squeege... Besides, who's got time to connect to the web while at the field to fix thier gun? :D

03-04-2002, 10:16 AM
i mean
i was at the field 5 years ago
i didnt exactly have the time to run home during the process and check the website and be like oh thats how you fix it.
luckily my brother, between my brother, bad company, and skeleton crew, my stuff was fixed real quick :)

03-04-2002, 10:21 AM
There's a new stacked tube blowback out, called the Sentinel. It's vert-feed, takes cocker barrels, and the Ano and Milling is worthy of a $1000USD Cocker. The build is very solid and it uses all standard ASA/NPT threading, withstandard type bottomline mounts, not Spyder style like the Kingman/BE/Black Draguns do. I want one as a loaner gun, I'm also thinking of sending them my Defiant for a milling and ano job, their work is that good.