View Full Version : Believe it or not...my first tourney this weekend.

Load SM5
02-28-2002, 10:47 PM
The forcast is caling for a rain/snow mix. Should I take this as a ominous sign? It's a smallish (15 teams or so) 3 man tourney on a rented sup-air. I have some pretty good teammates and I feel pretty confident that I can hold my own. I just hope the weather gurus are lying to me.

Wish me luck...

02-28-2002, 10:56 PM
Good Luck. It sounds like fun.

Oh and i got the clear/black z grip grips and they are great. Thanks so much.

Load SM5
02-28-2002, 10:57 PM
Glad you like them.

03-01-2002, 03:05 AM
Good luck. It's way over ten years since I played my first tourny but I can still remember it vividly.

A few tips if I may? Gleaned from Robbo and many years experience.

1) You have to be IN to WIN. Play tight. Don't hang out too long. You are only any use to your team if you are still alive

2) Never EVER trade paint. If someone is shooting at you do not shoot at them (the exception being snap shooting at them see below). Try to only shoot at people that are not shooting at you.

3) If you have to shoot at someone who is shooting at you. Only snap shoot. Never come out of your bunker in the same place twice. Always try and vary your point of attack. Have your gun up and inline with where you think they are before you come out and start shooting.

4) Have fun. Enjoy yourself and remember it's a game :)


03-01-2002, 07:24 AM
1) You have to be IN to WIN. Play tight. Don't hang out too long. You are only any use to your team if you are still alive

2) Never EVER trade paint. If someone is shooting at you do not shoot at them (the exception being snap shooting at them see below). Try to only shoot at people that are not shooting at you.

3) If you have to shoot at someone who is shooting at you. Only snap shoot. Never come out of your bunker in the same place twice. Always try and vary your point of attack. Have your gun up and inline with where you think they are before you come out and start shooting.

4) Have fun. Enjoy yourself and remember it's a game.

Awesome advice. I will take this and use it in my everyday game! Thanks manike!

Later ~

03-01-2002, 08:13 AM
I could say pratically the same thing, my first tourney, small tourney about the size of yours, got a good team mates, and I think I should be able to hold my own, forcast calls for rain(I'm in GA, so not far, hoping the same thing about the "weather gurus"), 3man on hyperball, air, and speedball.

Wish me luck.....Good luck to you Load SM5, hope you do well.

03-01-2002, 08:39 AM
Good luck to you Load!
Play hard, play safe (not too ofensive), and donīt save paint ;) ... then you will get a good result.

03-01-2002, 10:25 AM
Good Luck Load and magman!!

03-01-2002, 02:21 PM
My first tourny will be April 7th,unless one before then comes along..it is 10man,5man,and 3man,we are 3man,and hopefully we will hold our own,i know we will.Good LUck

03-01-2002, 03:39 PM
good luck man, let us know how you did....

and remember it's not you against them it's your team, yell at each other, keep in good contact, make sure you know where everyone is on your team and their team. tell each other before you move or bunker so they know and they can give cover, make codes for plays try and run drills before the tourny if possible.

if it rains (and they don't cancel the tourny) take advantage of it by sliding into bunkers, just watch your equipment good, make sure your gun and paint are not affected.

03-01-2002, 03:58 PM
looks like everyones first tourney is this weekend. mines on sunday, big tires, hyperball, and supair. 3-man rookie.

good luck to all of us!

03-01-2002, 04:01 PM
I just found out that ours is postponed to the 23rd because of bad weather. :( :( :(

Load SM5
03-01-2002, 05:36 PM
Thanks for all the advice guys. I'm not too worried. I've been rec-balling for a few years now and have played against some teams that were in training for tourneys. The level of intensity definately goes up with those guys. It makes you play harder and is really an addiction. I'm thinking this is going to be a lot of fun. I'll take pics and let everyone know how it goes. By the way the weather now says 35 degrees and mostly cloudy with 19 mph winds for Sunday. I guess that's better than sleet.

03-01-2002, 06:50 PM
Yeah man good luck. If you don't mind I think I will add a couple suggestions too.

1)Be agressive!!! More than likely you will not win the tournament so why not suprise teams with some crazy moves. Now I am not talking about suicide moves but some high risk moves when you are needing those points can pay off bigtime.

2)Watch the other teams play, they often make stupid mistakes that you can learn from. You can also get an idea of who goes where and what lanes to sweet spot.

3)One of the most important: KNOW THE RULES!! May sound cliche but when you do something that the refs have said will not be tolerated you will understand. Things like bunker hops, etc. are sometimes illegal and will cost points.

4)Your goal should be to make the finals. Then if that is done you should try to win each game at a time. Do not think about points as much as just having fun though (man I sound like my old junior pro coach lol)

5)The basic stuff-always carry enough paint, play hard, and communicate. The two best things you can do is have fun and learn from mistakes because you will make some. Good luck and I hope you come out a better paintball player.