View Full Version : I am right handed player, which side should my WARP be on?

Jason Reed
02-28-2002, 11:52 PM
I have try to figure this out on my own but it seems both sides are logical I just don't know. I have p/f hopper left mag. If that will help out. I am going to buy the halo or a warp feed, but I don't know which to buy yet or what side I should mount my warp on.

03-01-2002, 12:06 AM
Are you right or left handed?? If you are right, the best setup is to have it on the left side of the gun...right side if you're left handed. Since you have a hopper left gun, you're gonna have to run the hose a little differently. You can either use the 90 degree adapter, if you have one, or what worked for me, was to run the hose under the grip frame to the bottom of the powerfeed. In this case, you're gonna need the long parabolic p/f plug which can be found in the online store. This is how I did mine. Hope this helps.

Tim Jacobitz
03-01-2002, 12:06 AM
if you shoot righty you will want it on the left side.

03-01-2002, 06:41 AM
You probably want the warp where your hand isn't, in your case, the left hand side