View Full Version : Stolen equipment in OKC (cross post from MCB)

06-13-2017, 09:26 PM
Hey guys, shot in the dark, but I'm hoping someone might luck across it. Yesterday morning my car was broken into, and the expletives took some of my on equipment. Specifically my 'mag. I'd hoped that they would try to pawn it around here for drug money or something, but apparently none of the pawn shops in my area deal with paintball gear anymore. I'm checking CL and eBay every so often, but I'm not too hopeful.

If you guys happen upon a mag with a classic valve, minimag body with an offset left Luke's mod, BBA, and an Angel LCD reg for the foregrip, please let me know.
Thanks guys

06-13-2017, 10:33 PM
A picture might help.