View Full Version : Its been over 10 years since i've been in the game, I've got some questions

08-10-2017, 01:36 AM
Hi all, I've been out of the paintball world for a bit over 10 years, but now my girls are old enough that they are ready to play. I actually took them a couple weeks back (damn my legs and knees are still a bit sore). I was able to gas up my 2k2 timmy and it worked great after a decade of sitting in storage. The same could not be said for my smart parts maxflow tank or halo. The maxflow was leaking around the reg, and I'll try a rebuild soon. The halo just simply wasn't really feeding when on the gun. It would feed into a pod though.

So, I'm researching loaders now and am thinking about the spire III 220 by using their trade up program. With that said, I don't know much about the spire series loaders and wonder if Dye's Rotor series is a better choice? It certainly is cheaper then the spire which is a plus.

I also am planning on a new screw in 4500lb tank, preferably around 48ci. I've not really researched tanks yet, but am open to suggestions.

I also dusted off my old mag, but have not gassed it up. It has a devil mag electronic frame and X valve. I don't remember, but does the X valve come with Level 10? If not, can level 10 still be purchased?

Finally, I'm looking at getting a couple semi-introductory markers for my girls. I see Dye has Rize markers and have an attractive combo available. Is this thing any good. Does it have a break beam eye?

Thanks guys,

me: I say it's been 10 years
How I feel: 94721

08-10-2017, 04:23 AM
I just recently upgraded from my Halo to a Spire 200 pb gateway had a sale a while back for 100$ spires and I figured I'd jump on it, overall I love my spire, I mean coming from a halo the wight different from the two is nice, also I enjoy the spire's design, I don't know how much they'll give you for a halo in the trade up program I heard that they give you a different discounted price for older loaders, might be worth it to buy some new halo internals and keep it as a backup
If you're interested in a Spire 200 pb gateway sells them currently for 120ish, I also think at this moment pb gateway is running a deal where you buy a new VIO mask(160$) you get a matching Spire 260 free. Might ve worth checking into

http://www.paintballgateway.com/ (http://www.paintballgateway.com/nsearch.html?#search/q=Spire&category=&sortby=rel&main_category=&page=1&size=200&storeid=paintballgate/1)
Hope this helps

08-10-2017, 04:46 AM
i love my 70/4500 ninja super light tank.

08-10-2017, 04:47 AM
X valves have come with level 10's since i got back into the game in 13, before that i can't tell you. you can buy a level 10 kit from AGD or Tuna if you need one.

08-10-2017, 05:35 AM
Unless you want all the bells and whistles (and are willing to pay for them), the $100 Dye LT-R loader works great. After 10+ years of using Halos, I finally upgraded to LT-Rs this season, primarily because they're smaller, so much easier to clean, and the price finally fell below $100, albeit for a model with a few less features.

X-Valves have always come with Level 10s.

I can't offer any advice on new markers. I've tried so many of them, and I always go back to my Automags and Autococker.

captian pinky
08-10-2017, 08:45 AM
I got a gen 3 rotor right after they came out which who knows how long ago that was maybe 6 years. They just work. If i had the option id go with the Ltr. samething with out some of the features which makes it cheaper and nicer.

ghost flanker
08-10-2017, 09:09 AM
I have an older Spire and later got a Rotor 2. I found the Rotor to be much more reliable. No experience with the Spire III, though.

If you have an x-valve, then you have a Level 10 bolt. To find out for sure, air up your mag, stick a finger or tongue in the breech, and pull the trigger.:D Or you could just identify it visually.
94718 94717(Superbolt II = Level 10 bolt)

If you want a nice tank, Ninja is 2nd to none. If I'm not mistaken, they offer the lightest tanks available and have the fastest, most consistent recharge.

The Proto Rize does indeed have eyes, and it seems to be universally regarded as the best entry level electro currently on the market. For $250, nothing else comes close. That being said, I'm very much a pump and mech guy and have never shot a Rize in my life, so take this for what it's worth.

captian pinky
08-10-2017, 09:51 AM
I have an older Spire and later got a Rotor 2. I found the Rotor to be much more reliable. No experience with the Spire III, though.

If you have an x-valve, then you have a Level 10 bolt. To find out for sure, air up your mag, stick a finger or tongue in the breech, and pull the trigger.:D Or you could just identify it visually.
94718 94717(Superbolt II = Level 10 bolt)

If you want a nice tank, Ninja is 2nd to none. If I'm not mistaken, they offer the lightest tanks available and have the fastest, most consistent recharge.

The Proto Rize does indeed have eyes, and it seems to be universally regarded as the best entry level electro currently on the market. For $250, nothing else comes close. That being said, I'm very much a pump and mech guy and have never shot a Rize in my life, so take this for what it's worth.

i have worked on the rize and i personally was not a fan of the solenoid/barbs/hoses. They really should offer an upgrade kit and it would be worth the $100 or whatever to keep people from having to mess with them. Short term wise sure great entry level. Long term wise your better off picking up an older dm and send it to someone for a full rebuild and it will come in under that $250 mark and last much longer. it will be a bit heaver but have a metal frame. (dm4-dm6) can all be had under $175 and perform the same.

08-10-2017, 01:22 PM
I just picked up a like new HDE Earth OLED Gtek for real cheap.

They have the gamma bolt and are pretty bulletproof.

And you can't go wrong with a Spire.


08-10-2017, 11:56 PM
Thanks guys for the advice and info. I thought the X valve had level 10, just couldn't remember.

The Spire3 trade in program will give $60 for a halo of a $200 loader. Not sure if a $200 loader is worth it...???

One of the things I like the idea of with the Rize is we can get a couple maxxed combos with an LT-R loader and SE goggles. Then we'll just need a couple air tanks for each of my girls. Good way to get them up and running with what looks like decent equipment for not a huge investment.

Something else I was thinking about instead of getting a couple Rize combo's was to get pick up a couple used Invert Mini's or something like that. They're going pretty cheap on ebay. I can piece together the rest of the stuff from there. Is the Invert mini any good?

Just out of curiosity, what are the current top level guns? I assume the Dye M2 Mosair is one of the top ones? I took a quick look at it online. Not sure what all the bells a whistles are for like wireless air sync. What else is at the top these days?

Also, other than paintballgateway.com, what are other good sites to buy gear online?