View Full Version : Tunaball Requiem

08-10-2017, 10:10 AM
----Tunaball X post mortem----

It is Thursday morning, and my aging body is still recovering….
Tunaball weekend officially ends when I drop the last out of town player off at the airport. So at about 8pm Monday we closed the books on another awesome year and another awesome event. As I sit back and reflect I am seeing that everything went almost perfectly. We had just the right amount of people for some awesome games, but most importantly we had the RIGHT people. A few locals showed up who heard good things about us online and all of them were very happy.
It is hard to believe that this was our TENTH event. If you ever wondered how I came up with this, of course there is a story behind it. Tuna and I were playing the annual Polar Bears v Penguin game at Topgun one year right after the announcement of the cancelation of what would have been I think the 4th Shatnerball. I was extremely disappointed. So in gest I said to Tuna “**** it, we are going to do our own event and I am going to tall it “Tunaball”.

To which he replied;
“I will kick your ****ing ass”
Ten years later here we are.
I want to specifically thank a few people who have been awesome over the years and should be acknowledged as such;

Ty Mcneer and Paul “Lornecash”Neidfled – for PERFECT attendance. Yes, they have been to them all, and Paul even gets an honorable mention for coming to Legends 7

John “Practice Target” Loguzzo - for flying out from California to NJ every year since #3 and reworking his entire life to make sure he could come.

The “Carls” and the entire crew at Topgun paintball in NJ for putting up with us for so many years and having the best fields around.

Simon Stevens for adopting us as his own and recognizing what a good thing we have going on here.

Steve “Redic” Petrush and Tim “Pillage” McCreary – for more than I can write here and express in words. My two right hand men for literally YEARS now. Without whom, all the parties at the cabins would never have happened.

My wife Mrs. Evil for actually NOT stabbing Doug (Nobody) this weekend.

To anyone and everyone that I have not mentioned here…

My friend and mentor Bob “Tunaman” Scott, who we created this event to honor; for all of his years of supporting our community above and beyond.

..Thank you !

As far as next year goes… I am not sure Tuna or I am up for it again, so unless I am asked otherwise this was the last Tunaball. We have been doing it for 10 years, and it looks like all good things must come to an end.
I will be handing the reigns over to Ralph RJ Torrell and Bryan Keker of Old School Revival (OSR) and they will be keeping the ball rolling next year with a “Vintage Gun Day” event. We have had a few of them on days after Tunaball in the past, and they are a lot of fun and in the same spirit. I encourage everyone to consider the trip out here for it next year.

08-10-2017, 11:50 AM

08-10-2017, 08:58 PM
My wife Mrs. Evil for actually NOT stabbing Doug (Nobody) this weekend.

So he still has plenty of hot air then.....


08-13-2017, 07:33 PM
good times...


08-13-2017, 08:03 PM

I for one will continue to pester you about keeping it up. Wet fields or not, this was a fantastic time, one of the best I've had.

As I said Friday evening, you should know how much you are appreciated in all of this.

All of us who came, came because we had motive.

Some of the best times I've had and some of the best folks I've come to know in my nearly three decades of playing have been at these events.

So, yeah. Put me down for next year.

08-14-2017, 06:56 AM

I for one will continue to pester you about keeping it up. Wet fields or not, this was a fantastic time, one of the best I've had.

As I said Friday evening, you should know how much you are appreciated in all of this.

All of us who came, came because we had motive.

Some of the best times I've had and some of the best folks I've come to know in my nearly three decades of playing have been at these events.

So, yeah. Put me down for next year.

We had not only just the right number of people, but the RIGHT people.

Thanks for your kind words and support over the years.

08-14-2017, 07:09 AM
good times...


Yeah.. we look old :D

08-14-2017, 11:05 AM
Yeah.. we look old :Dand we certainly FEEL old too.:D;)

08-16-2017, 12:11 AM
So what you are saying is Tunaball XI will be mid May or June?

08-16-2017, 09:53 AM
Win. :rofl:

08-26-2017, 08:43 AM
Way late too this party... What a great time. If anyone has cold feet about this event, you really do have to make the trip up to NJ. Talk paint, eat great food, play, repeat. What more do you want :-)