View Full Version : On/Off leak...why fix? Also, a pneumag LPR question

09-23-2017, 05:54 PM
I was tuning my LX, while testing, I noticed that there was some slight leaking down the barrel when I held the trigger, it would go on for a few seconds before sealing itself. I'm assuming it's just a typical on/off leak.

My question is, unless I'm running around the field holding down the trigger between shots for some weird reason, what realistic difference could this slight leak make during normal use? Will it affect the RT of the gun?

Also, on a completely different topic: I'm looking at possibly investing in a pneumag setup. How does the LPR pressure affect the performance of the marker? Does it affect the feel of the trigger or is it something you simply "set it and leave it"?


09-23-2017, 06:33 PM
The slight leak that eventually seals is probably residual dump chamber pressure. Both of mine do this. If it doesn't continually leak with the trigger held back, I wouldn't worry about it.

I have no experience with pneumags.

09-23-2017, 07:28 PM
Didn't even know mags had something like that, thanks for the info!

09-23-2017, 07:37 PM
Depending on the situation, you might see some diminished performance of the L10.

Try replacing the top inner on/off o-ring and see if that sorts it out.

In any case you don't want leaks, even if you can 'get by' with them. O-rings are so cheap, and so easily replaced, there really is no good reason not to keep your marker in good order.

09-24-2017, 11:09 AM
Also, on a completely different topic: I'm looking at possibly investing in a pneumag setup. How does the LPR pressure affect the performance of the marker? Does it affect the feel of the trigger or is it something you simply "set it and leave it"?


The pressure "stolen" by the LPR in a pneumag setup is very small. As long as you have a good tank regulator, you shouldn't notice any problems with the performance of your marker. I've even had pneumags that can RT when the trigger pressure is set just right, so yeah.... Don't worry about that.

09-24-2017, 01:19 PM
Pneumags can RT? I thought they lost that affect for the most part...?

09-24-2017, 08:03 PM
Yeah they can rt internally if you set the pressure just right. You don't feel it in the trigger like normal though. One reason to mount your lpr on the outside [emoji14]

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09-24-2017, 08:34 PM
Pneumags can RT? I thought they lost that affect for the most part...?

If you have an RT on/off in there, and if you have a higher output pressure tank, then you can still get it to RT if the trigger piston pressure is right. Like this.


But most people use standard 800-850 psi regs with their pneumags, which makes it hard to RT. Or they use a ULT on/off.