View Full Version : Donggie aka Modified Paintball owner Ripped me off

03-01-2002, 04:57 PM
I am going to tell every one about my dealings with Don or donggie. He basicly ripped me off and sent me a non-working gun. About 2-3 months ago I traded Don a Blue 32* vision impulse and a ss freak back for a Rt, drop, dye frame, warp feed, and a all american barrel. I got it and I had about 800psi in my tank so I shot it till it ran out of air ( about 50 shots) and I e-maile him and said it worked. Then 2 days later when I go to get some more air and fire it again the gun starts leaking. SO I call him up ( he also said he never checked the gun before he sent )and he tries to help me and then says send it to my friend Magdoc in CA. SO I am like i do not know cause the guy sent me a non-working gun in the first place so do I want to send it to a air smith all the way across the country, so I take it to my air smith and he changes all of the seals and it work for about 400 shots and then started leaking again. I get him to fix it again and it happends again and he says he found the probem and that it is there is a nick in the trigger frame were the banjo bolt goes in and it is sliceing it after a couple hundred shots every time he replaces it so I e-mail Don and he says No I will not replace your trigger frame unless Magdoc says it is the problem. He also says he will repay me the shipping for sending it which he has not done yet and that Magdoc will send it back to me one or two days after he gets it. I send it to Magdoc and it is there for 3 weeks ( he changed all of th e seals and checked the gun over) and then I finally get magdoc on the phone and he says he is gonna ship it overnight ( i had a tourment that weekend and needed the gun) SO after 3 weeks it is sent back to me but the stupid fedex guy does not leave it ( it was on friday the day before the event) and I finally haft to go and pick it up the next wedsday ( had to use my firends spyder for the event and i was pissed) Then I finally went and got some air that weekend and the stupid thing shoots for about 100 shots and starts leaking form the same place so I e-mail magdoc and tell him but I still have not had a responce from any of the 5 e-mails I have sent him. Then I e-mail Don 3 times and do not get a responce so on this thread I said
"Don I am having problems with the RT again and I have e-mailed you and magdoc over the last couple of days and have gotten no responce so hopefully you will see this. "
and he says pm me do not says this in front of other people. I pm him and he finally answers it with this ( I cut and pasted it so this is all his own words )

"I would like you to try to slander my name all over the boards from this transaction. I want you to try to say everything that happened. I'm glad majority of people that have posted here already know your story. So go right ahead. First of all, you did not send me the receipt. Secondly I've already fixed that gun for you free of charge and replaced all the worn parts and overhauled the whole valve. That is why if you didn't touch the damn thing or try to field strip it nothing would go wrong with it. That is why our discussions are over. There is nothing more that can be done with it. As far as you quoting 45 bucks for repairs and all that crap. Speak with Jon AGD to find out how much it's gonna cost. It's impossible for you to have been able to talk to ANY tech at AGD between the time of your first email to me and this pm. Keep heading in the direction you're heading and you may be surprised why I know.

You're playing a childish game. The gun was shipped to you in perfect condition from Tunaman to me.(without being touched AT ALL) You CONFIRMED it was in Great condition and shot well when it arrived. Then all of a sudden you're claiming all these problems and tried repeatedly to have it fixed by someone else, even tho I told you to send it back to me or MaqDoc for repairs. You repeatedly say that the guy you sent it to was an expert that has over 5 years of experience fixing RT's then why couldn't he fix it? Your problem is that you have been told repeatedly not to mess with the gun, primarily since you don't know how to strip it down properly. It's not rocket science but since you keep experiencing the same damn leak, it is all to common a problem from incorrect assembly/disassembly of the RT. Do not begin to threaten me by saying you will slander my name or post her to gain my attention. You speak of a transaction that went down well over 5 months ago. You are lucky that I respond to you at all. You purchased a used gun in perfect working order. Although that was the case, and you invalidated whatever warranty I offered you by having joe schmoe Dremel try to fix it repeatedly with no luck, I had it COMPLETELY REBUILT for you with new orings and internals some of which can be validated by accessing your serial number from AGD.

If you even think you can blackmail me into fixing your gun AGAIN after you AGAIN tried to have Mr Dremel fix it for you unsuccessfully, I'm sorry... it's not going to happen. End of story. Oh by the way, you state just two days ago that you just gassed it up and found the leak... Sorry little snot nosed kid, you received the gun a good two to three weeks ago FED EXED over night to meet your deadline for your supposed tournament and we heard nothing from you till now. Tell Mr. Dremel to keep his hands and Paintball working skills to working on the Talons which I'm sure he does so well.

Don Florencio "

I think it is funny a Business man as he calls him self is goiing to call me names like a 2 year old. Also i sent it to magdoc and I can back with the same damn problem I sent it with and tries to say that i screwed it up messing with it when i did not touch it and my airsmith found the problem which he ignors thou his airsmith magdoc did not fix it right. I just want every one to know what kind of business man you are supporting buying from him.

03-01-2002, 05:11 PM
Do we HAVE to go through this all AGAIN?

And I honestly have to say that these types of post are becoming so common that I don’t care anymore… one way or the other. You know, there are LEGAL ways to take care of things if someone has ripped you off.. USE THEM! And then after you have (and you were correct) if you want to post a public service announcement about a bad company/business/person, fine. But until then it only mucks up the boards with He said/ She said, and about who has more friends.

Until any actions are proven, too many folks come dangerously close to breaking laws themselves with Libelous and Slanderous statements…. again, until actions are proven.

Just something to think about….

03-01-2002, 05:15 PM
These are not slanderious statements this is the truth and what happend. All it needs to be fixed (hopefully)is a new trigger frame which he refuses to give me and says I screwed it up. I just want people to know so they will not do business with such a company/businessman

03-01-2002, 05:24 PM
I have placed orders with him and although slow, his customer service is flawless. Never a problem.

03-01-2002, 05:32 PM
This is an issue that remains between you, MagDoc and Donggie, not AO. There are numerous other ways you can resolve this issue. Posting it on AO is not one of them. This will only turn into a dispute between two or more people and in the end acheive NOTHING. This is closed.