View Full Version : Silly Question - do ALL current markers look almost exactly the same?!

11-02-2017, 03:49 PM
Looking at the current crop of high end, tournament style markers they all seem to closely resemble each other to someone who's not been around for years. I've been out for almost a decade - and am on the edge of getting back in. Looking at the current crop of markers, I really don't see much difference and am wondering if they are all essentially the same style of operation now with just slight milling/cosmetic differences? What are they (operation style - ie. spool, etc) for the most part?

Just curious and wondering if one means of operation won out of all others in the time I've been away. on that topic, some I've seen look functionally very similar to the mag, and the new Planet Eclipse GMEK even seems to have some sort of level 10 like function built into it - did the industry go a knock off all Tom's old ideas?

And what exactly are the top tier markers these days? I've seen offerings from Planet Eclipse, Mac-Dev still looks in the game, DYE, and SP. I have no idea what level these markers are considered these days. If someone was looking at the highest level (premium, professional grade) speedball guns what does this class/list include?



Patron God of Pirates
11-02-2017, 04:24 PM
I can't speak to the internals, but I see basically only three profiles; Mag shaped, Impulse shaped, Luxe (mag with foregrip extender) shaped. Very slight variations within that theme. Also, they mostly look like they were designed by Hasbro.

11-02-2017, 04:33 PM
To a point, yes. You have nearly all manufacturers going completely hoseless, which dictates a certain way. You are finding more length in guns, as aposed to being shorter. And you will see minimalistic approach to style. But there are differences in feel, but performance they are all pretty much the same

11-02-2017, 08:37 PM
Do you know why the extra length? I saw in one of the announcements (Macdev I think) they specifically mentioned additional length.


To a point, yes. You have nearly all manufacturers going completely hoseless, which dictates a certain way. You are finding more length in guns, as aposed to being shorter. And you will see minimalistic approach to style. But there are differences in feel, but performance they are all pretty much the same

11-03-2017, 01:18 AM
Do you know why the extra length? I saw in one of the announcements (Macdev I think) they specifically mentioned additional length.


Better ergonomics for your average arm length (some what a matter of tastes). The bigger reason though is that it makes keeping the marker stable during running easier.

11-03-2017, 03:12 AM
Mostly for ergonomics. The length can feel much better when holding/firing. It also allows more room inside the body to put all the parts that make up the gun in better positions, with the hoseless setup.

11-03-2017, 04:40 AM
they are all made in china probably in the same plant.

11-03-2017, 06:42 AM
they are all made in china probably in the same plant.

Honestly, this is what I'm wondering... it wouldn't even be that unprecedented - look at AR15s, the lowers/uppers are almost all made by 1-2 companies.

Walking Stick
11-03-2017, 09:21 AM
When I rejoined the paintball world a few months ago I noticed the same thing - so you're not alone! I definitely relate when others call them space guns and space *****s (um, fake wankers). All these new fancy electros look the same to me and I couldn't tell you the difference between any of them or why they cost so much. I'll happily stick to my 'Mags, Model 98s, Novas, Epics, Desert Foxes and SL-68s.