View Full Version : FLATLINE troubles solved...

03-01-2002, 05:15 PM
hoorayy, its official im retarded, my flatline was working improperly cause i put the spring pack in backwards. thanks to the flatline reg maintnance thread i solved the problem and have my flatline functioning fully again. i know there was someone else who had similar problems... so take your spring pack out and flip it around if you have an extremely slow recharge rate.

03-01-2002, 05:55 PM
Glad my thread helped you out. Yes, on the newer Mag spring packs and the Flatline spring packs the end with the washer is smaller than the old Mag spring packs so that allows it to be put in backwards. You want the end with the thick flat washer to go against the piston. I don't know why Tom changed it so the spring pack could be put in backwards, but that's the way it is now...

On the left is an old Mag spring pack and on the right is the Flatline spring pack.


03-02-2002, 03:50 PM
man tom, why ya gotta be like that? ...or maybe it was my falut for not paying attention... either way my mustard is still missing...