View Full Version : Thanks to those AO members that responded calmly and maturely.

03-02-2002, 03:40 AM
This was brought to our attention a few days ago, http://www.dailycollegian.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2002/02/26/3c7afa1bbb820

...and many AO members that I recognise, wrote well thought out responses. Thanks for keeping it civil, mature, and clean.

I implore anyone that witnesses such acts or vandalism, call the cops, now.

Anyway, thank you AO members, HOOAH:cool:


03-02-2002, 04:04 AM
Wow. That wanna-be journalist fits in perfectly with all the pros. She just needs to work on two things: making her ignorance seem less obvious and narrowing down her crowd of readers to those who agree with her.
Just love all the bad rep that this 'white trash' sport gets.

03-02-2002, 01:03 PM
hmm.... and to think there is even a paintball club there at Umass also.... and i did see some of their members post a reply there also.....

welp... all the more reason to go play over at the mall 2morrow i guess =)

03-02-2002, 01:21 PM
I really hate to see such a generalization about paintball, I know it gets said every time something like this happens. Do we condem everyone who owns a car when a crime is committed using one? The paintball marker was only the means to commit the crime, not the cause. Several years ago, some kids shot up the food court at our mall, try to get a permit to open a paintball field around here now. The few that would find some way of doing harm(with or without paintball equipment) will always ruin things for the silent majority. That is why we must do what responsible paintballers did here, respond calmly and maturely with rational facts, good work. I'll get off my soapbox now.

03-02-2002, 01:55 PM
If only we could live in a world without ignorance and blind hatred. It's too bad that people such as this girl would attack a community who would otherwise have jumped behind her cause with startling vehemence. Just imagine if each of those responses from an angry paintballer had been from a paintballer supporting her cause...