View Full Version : Lets Welcome "Hook" from Sweden, a New Mag Owner

05-24-2018, 11:13 PM
Hello AO!

I got this touching email from a player in Sweden that I thought you all would enjoy. By permission I am posting it here. He is embarrassed about his English but heck, the only Swedish we know is "bikini team!" Let's give him a big AO welcome!


Hello MR Kaye.

sorry for my bad english this aint my main language im from sweden :)
im sending you this email to show my gratitude and thank you for what you have accomplished and give the paintball
community in terms of HPA system and last but not forgoten the best paintball markers out there.

this is some part of my history with paintball and ther is a lot of yers to come.
since some four years back i took over my stepdads paintball marker that had gone forgoten in a closet manny yers ago and almost got sold at a yardsale untill i saw it in the pile of stuff colected for the sale, what im salvaged where his automag AIR thats got used as a tournament marker in early part of the second milenium.

paintball where something i had tryed some times in my earlyer years with friends using rental gear at a lokal paintball field and got mixed experience about and a lot of years went by without any thaught about paintball but as soon as i got my hands on stepdads automag (not yet understanding what a gem that got in my possession) and the blessing that it now will be mine i felt lets give this a try again with pantball and this time it where with my own marker, almost time to reherse the riflemans creed there and then.

thaugt the first time i got to my lokal field and first walk on game that its an old girl and might not expect to much of her
by the old age but damn how wrong i got about that she run fine exept some leaky orings and paint blending.

some tinkering and new orings she run fine the next game and after and some reserch i came to the conclusion the bolt were a PMI level 2 and had problem with said chopping paint so after ordering a level 10 bolt kit and adjusting it there might got like 10 balls in ten boxes of paint that get chopped its perfect adjusted to the point its no point in screwing up trying to ajust it more, the level 10 is one of the best uppgrade for automags.
this modification whith LVL 10 resulted in that i now not only got one of the oldest markers att my field its also one of the most reliable and competitive mecanikal markers in terms of firepower and even compared to some of the electros im in the upper hand.

at my field i got asked manny times if im not gona uppgrade to a new marker?
fore something thats not bad and for its age still rocks the slogan is absolut right "quality always shoot straight" why
uppgrade something thats not bad and works its my thought about that matter and i already got the best marker...
and here kommes another thanks to you and my appreciation for constructing the best marker for woodsball as well as other types of paintball games, ok ther is Emag and RTs that is legendary and cool but im not found of modern electros shore thay got ther advantiges but im an old school paintballer it seems to.
Got so found on automags that im also got hold of the film "Splat" and always get a warm feeling inside when ther is a automag shows just by knowing how good markers thay are as well as your scene in the paintball shop the automag creator and one of the forfathers of paintball.

got some questions if theres some way to know witch time my automag air valve got manufactured?
and if theres som way to get hold of a VHS how to service my AIR valve, yes i know my marker inside and out and ther is some info on youtube but for a fan thats not enugh...

hope for an answer frome you and my best regards Hakan "HooK" from sweden :)

05-24-2018, 11:43 PM
Welcome to AO. Thanks for sharing your story. Glad to see New members.

05-25-2018, 12:27 AM
I relate to everything you said. Welcome to the group, Hook.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Walking Stick
05-25-2018, 03:17 AM
Welcome Hook! There are/were a couple 'Mag collectors that play with some fancy 'Mags over in your neck of the woods - hopefully you run across them sometime.

And congrats on bringing the Legend himself out of the shadows!

05-25-2018, 05:17 AM
"She run fine"! I agree!:D

05-25-2018, 06:44 AM
He's "hooked" ...


05-25-2018, 07:27 AM
As someone with a European immigrant (polish) wife. Let me say with first hand experience that your English is not bad at all for someone that does not use typed English as a normal form of communication.

That said welcome to the wonderful world of mags. It is always fun to be asked about your marker by someone that is 20 and reply that it's older than them. And still keeps up with the new age electros.

05-25-2018, 08:10 AM
Welcome to AO Friend!


05-25-2018, 11:01 AM
Great story and welcome!

05-25-2018, 11:20 AM
Welcome to the fold.

05-25-2018, 12:13 PM
He signed up but is waiting admin approval. See what you can do about it.


05-25-2018, 04:41 PM
Another mag man....and another satisfied paintballer. Welcome to the community Hook.

05-25-2018, 06:56 PM

05-25-2018, 07:15 PM
Welcome aboard!

05-26-2018, 12:51 AM
He signed up but is waiting admin approval. See what you can do about it.


He should have gotten an Email confirmation but I guess sometimes that might fail.

He is now registered and officially an AO member and can post in the Forums. http://automags.org/forums/memberlist.php?s=&securitytoken=1527313347-d6efab74120c686fc39c583cae084f464b6e1a49&do=getall&ausername=SWE+HooK&homepage=&field6=&icq=&aim=&msn=&yahoo=&skype=&postslower=&postsupper=&joindateafter=&joindatebefore=&lastpostafter=&lastpostbefore=&sort=username&order=&perpage=

Welcome to AutoMags.org "SWE Hook". Sounds like you're hooked.:cheers:

05-26-2018, 05:21 AM

05-27-2018, 07:24 AM
Welcome to AO!!!

05-27-2018, 08:51 AM
Välkommen Håkan.;)

05-27-2018, 09:46 PM
Välkommen Håkan.;)

What marker does the Smörgåsbord go in and does it have eyes ?

05-28-2018, 10:14 AM
Ehhhhh? keeee! huuuu!:confused:

05-28-2018, 03:53 PM
Välkommen Håkan.;)

haha someone who knows me :)

05-28-2018, 03:55 PM
thanks for all the replys and im sure im gonna make my self at home here on the forum.

05-28-2018, 04:11 PM
He should have gotten an Email confirmation but I guess sometimes that might fail.

He is now registered and officially an AO member and can post in the Forums. http://automags.org/forums/memberlist.php?s=&securitytoken=1527313347-d6efab74120c686fc39c583cae084f464b6e1a49&do=getall&ausername=SWE+HooK&homepage=&field6=&icq=&aim=&msn=&yahoo=&skype=&postslower=&postsupper=&joindateafter=&joindatebefore=&lastpostafter=&lastpostbefore=&sort=username&order=&perpage=

Welcome to AutoMags.org "SWE Hook". Sounds like you're hooked.:cheers:

im not just hooked on mags and paintball im using my apex mod aggresively hooking balls around objects to find my oponents :ninja:
but the name hook had got mentioned long time ago and stayed with me and suits me fine and diskribes some of my personality if ther is something i like i might get hooked on that like paintball, motorsport and not to mention a slight addiction for cocacola and milk :cheers:

05-28-2018, 04:25 PM
Welcome to AO

06-01-2018, 06:23 AM
Welcome to AO! Just talk to swe_crazy if you need an explanation in your native language. Im from Norway, so feel free to send me a pm if you need help.
Your english is fine btw.

06-01-2018, 07:37 AM
Welcome to AO! Just talk to swe_crazy if you need an explanation in your native language. Im from Norway, so feel free to send me a pm if you need help.
Your english is fine btw.

thanks, yes im had some PM sent to swe_crazy and got some answer on some of my thoughts and questions.

06-02-2018, 07:21 AM
Välkommen till AO. :cheers: (That's pretty much the extent of my Swedish)

06-02-2018, 06:07 PM
Välkommen till AO. :cheers: (That's pretty much the extent of my Swedish)

thank you (terve ei saa peittää thats all my finland) :)

06-03-2018, 01:20 AM

06-21-2018, 12:56 AM
The second mech revival! Finally a new generation understands

06-29-2018, 05:43 PM
The second mech revival! Finally a new generation understands

yes that is also my hope that there will be a tournament legue for old school markers and mechs like pre 2000s style tournaments.
at the field im playing at there is a rule if you shoot electro it need shaker hopper and for a mech like automag and so on its alowed with forcefeed so im using mine with a dye rotor that is also some of my advantage over electro markers to have a reliable feeding system.

07-04-2018, 11:15 PM
Belated Welcome!
You've chosen well. Mags will out live us all.