View Full Version : Ace Update

brian terry
03-02-2002, 08:51 AM
well guys and girls after going over some stuff with tom friday ,i shot 3 1/2 case of paint in my sfl ,i had NO ball breaks what so ever ,people the ace is the way to go if you have a emag ,the only color the ace dident pick up was black ,i was useing kickn and diablo paint,the diablo was hellfire and the kickn was 2 tone green and yellow ,and the gun was set at 275fps the high was 279 and the low was 275 ,dam good i think ,talk to u all later./.,

Load SM5
03-02-2002, 08:58 AM
-me waiting patiently for Tom to give me the go-ahead to send mine in-

03-02-2002, 10:12 AM
I also think, the ACE is the way to go (the only breaks i have in my Mini is, when I chop) ... but I´m waiting for the c&c :p
But brian, i think, your sfl has some other modifications too, besides the ACE ;):rolleyes:

03-02-2002, 10:59 AM
I sure hope Tom says is ready to go soon. My reason for getting the SFL in the first place was to get the ACE. Also, I believe the breach modules were also modified as to eliminate some of the barrel breaks. With the ACE and new breach modules it's goodby chops and breaks. Go Tom Go.