View Full Version : Guess what my back up gun will be?!

03-02-2002, 11:15 AM
I'll give u a hint, it's small, heavy, by AGD and fast :)


Now I'll have an electro to use whenever my Cocker decides to stop working. I should have the money by next week.

03-02-2002, 11:23 AM
when your cocker doesnt work?why dont you just make the emag your regular gun,and save the troubles....what cocker?

03-02-2002, 11:28 AM
cuz I'm a cocker user and i'm loyal to it and Cockers are the best guns IMHO.
I shoot a custom Cocker which i call The Ho Slayer.



03-02-2002, 11:33 AM
nice colors on that cocker. :D

Top Secret
03-02-2002, 11:36 AM
Watch out, you just might make that E-Mag your primary gun! :D

03-02-2002, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Top Secret
Watch out, you just might make that E-Mag your primary gun! :D

Naw, speed isn't everything.

03-02-2002, 12:43 PM
Autococker over an e-mag? Never thought I would see the day.

03-02-2002, 12:46 PM
Although i have an e-mag, i would say that a cocker such as his is just as good and in some people opinions better then an e-mag. The thing with cocker is that you can do so much stuff to them, like making them insanely low pressure, and that is why you see them a lot more then mags in tournaments, because people like to be able to completely customize there guns, and with a cocker you can do that. Also a cocker shoots paint a bit better then any mag, because it is much lower pressure and a lot easier on paint.

Nice Cocker!

03-02-2002, 01:24 PM
And not only that, 'Mags are pretty big gas hogs (because of the higher pressure) - no one wants to have to purchase a 114 ci tank just to be able to spray and pray with the big boys, so most'll just get Cockers instead. Personally, I like how the cocker shoots just as much as my RT. Nice 'Mag and Cocker, dude!


03-02-2002, 01:34 PM
i have used both. i love cockes but am to lazy to own a gun with that many mooving parts.:( so ill stick with my trusty rt:)

03-02-2002, 01:42 PM
no its not a gas hog because of higher pressure.

Efficency has to do with the design of the gun not the operating pressure.

I had an F4 illustator way back in the day. The thing gets 800- 900 shots of a 9oz co2. It ran off 800 psi of pressure unregulated. On the other hand, the shocker and matrix are low pressure and is horribly inefficent.

03-02-2002, 03:11 PM
hella nice backup RT, must be nice.
pic of my backup, may even use it this weekend for kicks.

03-02-2002, 03:16 PM
but when i use either of these a backup will collect dust :)

03-02-2002, 03:18 PM
last pic

03-02-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by OldSchoolMag
And not only that, 'Mags are pretty big gas hogs (because of the higher pressure) - no one wants to have to purchase a 114 ci tank just to be able to spray and pray with the big boys, so most'll just get Cockers instead. Personally, I like how the cocker shoots just as much as my RT. Nice 'Mag and Cocker, dude!


Mags are not gas hogs, they are about average. The pressure has nothing to do with efficiency.

03-02-2002, 03:43 PM
exactly, operating pressure has nothing to do with efiiciency. i believe mags are more efficient than cockers or other lp guns, because of one fact- low pressure = high volume. low pressure guns use more gas to make up for the pressure lack so they suck that tank dry very fast, ive got testimony for that. my friend at scenario games runs his tank dry before his pack, he uses a shocker divine with a 20oz co2 tank, oh as for the pack he has a redz 4v 140, so he gets um... like 600-700 shots off the tank, wow thats horrible...

03-02-2002, 04:07 PM
my mag is easy on air.

600-700 shots off a 47 ci 3000 psi

03-02-2002, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by AdrenalineMag
mags are more efficient than cockers or other lp guns, because of one fact- low pressure = high volume. low pressure guns use more gas to make up for the pressure lack so they suck that tank dry very fast, ive got testimony for that. my friend at scenario games runs his tank dry before his pack, he uses a shocker divine with a 20oz co2 tank, oh as for the pack he has a redz 4v 140, so he gets um... like 600-700 shots off the tank, wow thats horrible...

Not true. people who turn thier regs down and turn their velocity isn't not achieving true LP. If you want your gun to go LP you have to tinker around with it abit. That why i love Cockers so much because there are many things you can do to them. From just turning the presure down and turning the velocity up, it's waisting too much gas because the main spring pushing the hammer is keeping the valve open for too long therefor tons of air is wasted resulting in gas inefficancy. The true way of going LP is easily just getting a lighter valve spring and light main spring, it's the perfect combination.

Mags aren't the most efficant guns because all it is is just a regulator. On most guns, there's a hammer hitting a valve allowing air to go up into the bolt and propelling the paintball.

average Mags get around 900-1000 shots with a 68/45 while you can get a Cocker to shoot around 1200 shots with a 68/45 with correct setup.

03-02-2002, 06:04 PM
Naw, speed isn't everything.

And neither is the clickity clack of the back block.:P j/k

03-02-2002, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by FeelTheRT
Mags aren't the most efficant guns because all it is is just a regulator. On most guns, there's a hammer hitting a valve allowing air to go up into the bolt and propelling the paintball.


03-02-2002, 09:33 PM
zads27: sorry i didn't make that very clear. On most guns, theres a regulator regulating the presure down then going into the air chamber waiting for the valve to be opened by the hammer. Now lets say... cockers. There is a spring moving the hammer. By using different tention springs, you can change the efficancy and velocity. On one thread, i rememeber Nitroduck said his Cocker got 2000 shots off of a 68/45 tank!!

The Angel and other open bolt semies are similar. Instead of a spring moving the hammer, the solenoid controls it like a cocker ram.

On the Mag however, is abit different. The reg regulates the presure then the air sits in the air chamber just like any other guns. Now, the air is released by an on/off pin moved by the trigger>rod>sear. Since there's impossible to adjust the 'dwell' of the valve, the amount of air going into the bolt isn't adjustable like cockers or angels.

03-03-2002, 07:34 AM
"I love red potatoes."
"Well I love Golden Yellow potatoes."
"Red potatoes are so much better than yellow ones."
"Oh yeah, yellow are better than red ones cause yellow is brighter which means that they taste better."

Whats it all mean? Potatoes is potatoes.


Nice gun, enjoy it!!!

03-03-2002, 08:55 AM
In all seriousness.... red potatoes are far better than any yellow potato.

Major Ho
03-03-2002, 03:50 PM
Hey now! I resent that! I dont think you have ever tagged me even once. Nor have I tagged you. Usually on the same team arent we, I cant remember... I might just take your mag while its on the sidelines and fool around with it :D Ill then turn around and get you with your own gun. Moo hoo ha ha ha...

P.S. I think hes gonna use the mag anyways, his cocker is way tempermental. tee hee