View Full Version : automag grip frames

03-02-2002, 01:04 PM
i have a classic mag and i want to get a double trigger.but i dont no witch one to get. i no i dont want a boo-yah.i was thinking a benchmark or a die or .does anyone no anything about these???


03-02-2002, 01:17 PM
i cant tell you which on to get cause i havent used them all but i have an intelliframe and its really nice. you can hook up intellifeed, it comes in chrome and black with dye grips and your choice of blade or groved trigger. most importantly its made by AGD. hope this helps

03-02-2002, 01:19 PM
go with that one. you dont have to put the intellifeed in it. i just run mine as a standerd fraim. but you can intellifeed it if you want.

these tend to have a very long trigger pull. i have one but i spent some time and put a trigger stop in it to shortin the pull. since you dont already own one it isnt worth buying and then modifying.

these arnt bad but i dont like the trigger guard going at an angle twords the fraim. it cramped my fingers. I like a lot of room inside the trigger guard for my fingers to moove. these dont come with a safty eather.

get the intellifraim. its about 115 dollars and comes with dye sticky grips, safty, your choice of blade or gruve trigger, and agd reliability. what more could you want.

O ya i have owned all three so i am talking from experiance.

03-02-2002, 03:26 PM
Inteliframe is the best

03-02-2002, 03:47 PM
The AGD Intelliframe is my #1 choice, but the DYE works well also. The Benchmarks work Ok, but the trigger pull is long and sloppy! The benchmarks can usually be had for a better price also, so if you are just starting to look money wise they are cheaper alternative.