View Full Version : BlackVCG Please read!!!!

03-02-2002, 01:44 PM
Sence you have not resonded to my PM I guess this is the only way I an get your attention. I wass ripped off and Want other to know what hapopened so I does not happen to them and what do you do you go and delete every thing I put. Why are you deleteing them? Don is not even responding to them because he is acting like a 2 year old and acting like nothing ever happened and I want people to know what kind of business man he is. If you were ripped off by some one I am sure you would post on here about it so it does not happen to anyone else. But what do you do you delete them so no one will no what he has done and so he can do it over and over again. I just want to let you know next time he rippsoff someone else on the board it is because you would not let the truth be heard. I know I am probly going to be banned becasue I speak the truth and this is probly going to be taken down right after I put it up here so no one will see it and they will not know but i just want you to think about what you have done.

03-02-2002, 02:04 PM
Here's the deal, I'm not going to express my opinion on the issue although I have one. You broke forum rules and that is why I took down all of your posts. You spammed the forums with that message, which is the first rule you broke. Secondly, the post could very well be considered slanderous and libelous. This is not tolerated on AO. There are many other ways you could have dealt with this issue, or written your post, but you went over the line, so in my position as a moderator, I had to enforce the rules on the matter.

03-02-2002, 02:05 PM
I dunno about that. Don has quite a good reputation on AO. This the FIRST time I have heard somthing go awry with him. I have ordered from him before nothing but good communication and good service. I have heard his side of the story and it seems as if you were not all that cooperative when he tried to rectify the situation.

Perhaps you could try to be a bit more respectful and try to offer a reasonable solution instead of trying to make him pay for service that you took upon yourself.

03-02-2002, 02:11 PM
I also agree w/ both blackvcg,and butterfingers,don is a cool guy,and i have heard nothing but good things about him,except by you.maybe you should talk to don,and not AO?

03-02-2002, 02:13 PM
Don told you to send the gun to Magdoc right away, you did not, you took it to an "airsmith" that nobody knows, THEN you sent it to Magdoc who, in your words; "I send it to Magdoc and it is there for 3 weeks ( he changed all of th e seals and checked the gun over)".

Don can not be responsible if you did not follow his directions. Don has a fine reputation for being up front and honest at all times. He surmises that you messed with the gun, since it was apparantly working when YOU got it the first time. "I got it and I had about 800psi in my tank so I shot it till it ran out of air ( about 50 shots) and I e-maile him and said it worked."

So what do you want of him? He sent you a working gun: "Then 2 days later when I go to get some more air and fire it again the gun starts leaking. SO I call him up ( he also said he never checked the gun before he sent )and he tries to help me and then says send it to my friend Magdoc in CA. SO I am like i do not know cause the guy sent me a non-working gun in the first place so do I want to send it to a air smith all the way across the country, so I take it to my air smith and he changes all of the seals and it work for about 400 shots and then started leaking again." And you did not follow his advice.

If it is just a nick, fix it yourself with some sandpaper, or take it back to YOUR "airsmith" and tell HIM he didn't fix it.

This thread will be locked also, as there is no reason to air this in public. If you have real problems with a business, there are legal means to get satisfaction. You don't address this on a public forum.

03-02-2002, 02:23 PM
I just think that it is so funny that all of you think he is a respectable business man and the guy is going to call me names like a little kid and will not respond to any of my e-mails or PM's. So there is your AO buddy that is such a jackass he will not even respond to my messages. SO anyone who does not belive me and belives that lieing son of a b*tch can go shove it right up @ss

03-02-2002, 02:24 PM
Just out of curiosity where is it leaking out of? Mags are very easy to fix. Can you tell us what is wrong? I am trying to help you. There are other ways to solve problems than blatant slanderous flaming.

03-02-2002, 02:26 PM
Seems that you just proved Don's point.