View Full Version : X-Mag Trigger Question

01-14-2019, 01:41 PM

Hello everyone,

I haven't played paintball in many years, but recently I got the itch to hit the field. I charged the battery of my 'mag and everything appears to function. I did have a hiccup though, the board didn't appear to come on for more than a flash of AGD 3.2. It turns out that the magnet in the top of the trigger comes out of the trigger binding the trigger in the firing position and fooling the hall sensor in the back.

Before I get too far into it, does anyone know how the magnet in the top of the trigger is held in place? Is it simply glued?

I really want to get this thing together and see if anyone on the field recognizes it for what it is. And, yes, it's been that long since I balled. I played with this thing back in the day and it's stellar.

Thanks in advanced!


PS: I apologize for how dirty it is. It will be fully cleaned soon, I'm just looking up any info on things before I crack it open.

01-14-2019, 02:08 PM
The magnet on top of the trigger is glued...

captian pinky
01-14-2019, 04:02 PM
If it has really been that long i would recommend a few things. Get a new battery, rebuild kit and especially a quad oring.

not that long ago alot of guys that let there mags sit had issues where the batteries would leak and cause corrosion issues. the lucky ones only had a problem on the bottom side of the pack. The not so luck ones had leaking at the top. onto the rails and bodies.

01-14-2019, 06:07 PM
Thanks for the answers.

I’m looking for a new battery as we speak, but I have to wait until payday to pull the trigger. Tunamart says they have them in stock, I’ll check with him tomorrow to confirm that.

I do plan on replacing all the orings throughout the marker. It’s been a really long time since it’s been aired up and all my tanks need hydro testing.

It’s kind of crazy but paintball in my area only seems to have one shop.

Walking Stick
01-15-2019, 01:08 AM
If Tuna doesn't have any check out the ones offered by "knownothingmags" in the dealers' subforum. Ryan will get you squared away!

01-15-2019, 02:14 PM
You got me thinking and I checked the battery. I'll eventually replace it, sooner rather than later but it looks to be in good shape and it holding 18v according to my multimeter.