View Full Version : Best game of my life......

03-02-2002, 04:46 PM
Ok so we thought we would have like 20 people today, but we ended up with 6. So we play a couple 3 on 3 games then one of the kids has to goso we play a 2 on 3 game. so later on at the end of the day we decide to play a game where one person gets 2 guns and 2 full hoppers. and we only get 50 balls each. So the lone kid walks off. A few minuetes later we take chase. Some how he ends up behind us, guns a blazing......At that moment i thought we were all dead. He misses all 4 of us. Then my friend Rob and I advance into some thick knee high brush. Grecco, the kid by himself, is bumkered at a old burnt out car. Me and Rob start to shoot at him. the battery in robs warpfeed dies! so by now i only have like 5 balls left. I take 2 snap shots and hit him right in the goggals. We had to hit him 4 times and he only had to hit us once. My paint that hit his goggles sprayed thru the vents into his face, so hes pissed. He runs at us attempting to bunker us. He misses us from like 3 feet away. WE NAIL HIM! He was coverd in paint. And the best thing is I didnt break a ball all day. Sorry bout the lenghty story but im so HYPED UP!

03-02-2002, 05:25 PM
I guess it's its kind of hard to aim carrying two guns, and seeing nothing but paint. LOL!!

03-02-2002, 06:13 PM
ya but when he shot it looked like those old WW2 movies. you know when the plane comes down and theres parrel bullet trails.....thts exactly what it was like. and e were playing on sand dunes, so there were little puffs of sand when they hit.....Its funny cause one of the guns was a model 98... imagine going onehanded with a tippy M98!