View Full Version : Bolt Question

03-02-2002, 05:51 PM
I recently bought an Automag RT off of ebay and have a few questions about it. First off, though, I love this marker as well as the support from AGD. I just got a manual and video for free and have a parabolic feed plug on the way (also free.) The problem I'm having is ball breakage. I know quite a few were from me learning the trigger and then once you break one you are bound to get several more until you thoroughly clean the power feed and such, but now I can fire quite well, but still I break paint. I will be getting plastic nubbins soon, but I am also trying to find out which bolt to get, and more importantly, which bolt I have now. I don't know if this is the stock bolt as I bought the marker used so please help me out. I have tried searching these forums and such for answers but have yet to find a good description of each type of bolt. My bolt doesn't currently have a foamie, but it seems to be the foamie style to me from the pictures I can find. It is just steel with a recessed bolt face. If it has a recessed bolt face, then surely it is a foamie style, right? Or are there non-foamie styles with recessed bolt faces? The pictures I did find showed a long nose, which is longer but the bolt face is flush, the standard (?) which is shorter but has an extended bolt face, and the foamie, which has a foamie pictured to be flush. Could someone help me out? It would be greatly appreciated. If I do, indeed, have the foamie style and have been using it without foamies, then surely that would be the cause of all my breaks, right? Thanks in advance.

03-02-2002, 07:09 PM
Can you post a pic of your bolt?

Also, how many holes does the face of the bolt have? Another thing...check the back of the bolt. Does it say anything back there?

03-02-2002, 07:56 PM
So, here´s a pic of the three bolts:

The longneck hardnose, the old hardnose, and the foamiestyle

If you shoot the foamiestyle without a foamie, you will break almost every ball ... so check it.

03-02-2002, 08:09 PM
Your bolt is missing a foamie this is the source of your breakage problems. Order a couple form AGD clean the bolt face off with some sand paper or a dremel with a wire brush and put them on with super glue.

03-02-2002, 08:27 PM
I was looking at the picture of the foamie, and my foamie bolt is the same length as the longnose so that the foamie does not stick out. Is my bolt made by AGD or some other brand?

03-02-2002, 08:42 PM
Well, I hope that it is because I am missing a foamie. I did notice less breaks when I turned it down to 200 fps so I will order some foamies on Monday. By the way, here are my pics just to make sure. The bolt also has no writing on it.

03-02-2002, 08:43 PM
And this.

03-02-2002, 10:07 PM
The foamie bolt that you see in the picture was the old shortnose foamie. The one they sell now is the longnose foamie. The new longnose foamie is flush with the surface of the bolt. They were/are both made by AGD.

03-02-2002, 10:16 PM
Well, I'm glad to find that I need foamies. It's surprising I wasn't breaking more balls than I was. Thanks for all of the help. It is greatly appreciated. :)