View Full Version : Whats your all-star gun line up for a 5 man team?

03-02-2002, 09:59 PM
I'd say the perfect mix would be
2 High end cockers
and 3 (Emags)or tricked mags

03-02-2002, 10:13 PM

thats our 5 man team

03-02-2002, 10:16 PM
free flow

03-02-2002, 10:17 PM
My 5 man-

Defiant/Cocker with warp(me =0)
Jeff-Angel with warp
Clay-Angel with halo

03-02-2002, 10:27 PM
all emags :)

03-02-2002, 10:28 PM
me - some kind of emag extreme w/ halo, warp, freak and 4.5k flatline
2nd guy - what every they feel comfortable with
3rd guy - ditto
4th guy - ditto
5th guy - ditto

im not trying to be a smart aleck, but i think the best gun is whatever you like and can play well with ;)

03-02-2002, 10:33 PM
Team BackDraft's Five Man Line Up:
Me-2001 STO Autococker
XspyX- 1999 Free Flow Autococker
~Backdraft~ P/F AutoMag
BoltSmack-2002 Autococker
tysonmachado- P/F Automag

*This is the Five man Team that Team Backdraft is Using for the March 10th Tourney at 202 Paintball...

03-02-2002, 10:53 PM
my whitewater team

Dark Angel
Free Flow Cocker
Tippman ( he is really small)
Dark Angel/Free Flow/ Emag (Me):D

03-02-2002, 11:16 PM
dark angel
dark angel
angel led
dark angel

least thats how it is now
use to be some emags in there but not anymore


03-02-2002, 11:44 PM
RT Pro
RT Pro
2- minimags (Hyperframes)

03-03-2002, 01:26 AM
Seeing how different teams use different combo's of field positions this is what I'd suggest.

Front Player: Free Flow
Midfielder: RT/Emag/Extreme/Angel
Backfielder: Warp-fed RT/Extreme/Emag/Angel

03-03-2002, 01:31 AM
why do u say the front player should have a free flow rusty?

03-03-2002, 01:59 AM
I'd give the back guys Model 98's with the E kit and Flatline barrels. Angels or EMags would be OK too but the flat trajectory would be nice for your back guys to have. The front guys would all have mags of some kind (doesn't matter which really.)

I'd keep the cockers off the team, so that everybodys gun actually works for the tournament!

03-03-2002, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by bushjumper
I'd give the back guys Model 98's with the E kit and Flatline barrels. Angels or EMags would be OK too but the flat trajectory would be nice for your back guys to have. The front guys would all have mags of some kind (doesn't matter which really.)

I'd keep the cockers off the team, so that everybodys gun actually works for the tournament!


the e98 would shoot too fast for the flatline, its got a limit of like 8 or 9 bps, maybe even 7 not really sure on the number,

"flat" trajectory has been made famous by cockers, and i dont know what kind of cockers you have played with or whatever, but not all cockers go on the fritz

and seeing as all guns shoot the same distance then whats the difference between back guns? and accuracy would not be affected by "flat" or whatever kind of trajectory


03-03-2002, 03:56 AM
Originally posted by nutz
why do u say the front player should have a free flow rusty?

Of all the guns I've tried out, the free flow's been the best for snap-shooting. I'd say an Angel would be a very close second. I'd say a Matrix but personally I don't like how I can feel the gun's valve travel back and forth while I shoot.

03-03-2002, 04:06 AM
Originally posted by bushjumper
I'd give the back guys Model 98's with the E kit and Flatline barrels. Angels or EMags would be OK too but the flat trajectory would be nice for your back guys to have. The front guys would all have mags of some kind (doesn't matter which really.)

I'd keep the cockers off the team, so that everybodys gun actually works for the tournament!

The Flatline's spin can be at a disadvantage at those ranges. I've been shot at by 4 different people's m98's where the only thing that all shared in common was the flatling and the fact that at any ranges past 40 yards they balls hit and slid off of me because of the spin. Under 20 yards it wasn't an issue, but in the 30 range it was a 50/50 chance of a spin-off. Keeping in mind I wear coarse clothing compared to most tourney players do this would be even more pronounced on the nice and smooth jerseys and sometimes slick pants. Another problem is you can't use fragile paint with the flatline, once a ball breaks in the barrel you're pretty much screwed, even after running a squeege trough it. Barrel length prevents you from playing the cover nice and tight as well. What happenes when you have to move up to mid field to take the place of a missing front player? You're not snap shooting anytime soon, pesky barrel length again....

M98's are good guns, but they are better suited for rec ball and scenario ball.

I don't know what kinda problems you've had or seen with a cocker, but I can assure you it's been more likely a result of operator error then the gun being picky. I don't mess with them because I don't own one and I'm not experienced in trouble shooting the problems they can have.

03-03-2002, 09:25 AM
Our team set up,

ftont guys: WARPED RTS
Mid: Impulse
Back: Angels

03-03-2002, 09:32 AM
Team Black Cell's lineup!!!! :D

Spacemangspiff = SFL!! -- Front
Riotz= Warped RT Pro -- Front
Thordic= Warped Minimag --Mid
Me = P/F E-mag w/ Halo. -- Mid
John BMX= Warped R/T -- Back

03-03-2002, 09:46 AM
tricked RT Pro w/ warp+Halo
tricked 68 classic
" " Mini
" " Micromag
" " 68 classic (even more than one above)

03-03-2002, 12:03 PM
our three man team

warped retro mini
retro mag
tricked 99 cocker

but the best setup imo would be for a 3 man all xtremes with warps, halos, freaks, and the 4.5k flatlines.

03-03-2002, 12:39 PM
5 guys with mamba IR3s , halos , warp feed , and conquest n2 :)

03-03-2002, 02:28 PM
Front-Matrix and Impulse
Mid-Impulse and RT mag

03-03-2002, 02:42 PM
As it stands, Im the only one on my 5 man team with a gun.

.. this is how it used to be when we all had guns ;)

my old set up- Inteliframe/warpfeed mag with flatline tank

Nick- Very custom spyder SE, it was milled polished and we were working on installing an RT kit(then he was working on some milling, and he messed it all up :()

Shawn- Hyperframe mag(it's a level 6 too..!)

Shaun- stock mag with flatline tank-

since then, Ive bought SHAUN's mag and shawns hyperframe ;) lol

we are/were a 5 man team with 4 players, and towards the end of the season, we only ended up with me and nick, so we played 3 man with only 2.. needless to say with one man down the whole season 3 man season, we beat 2 full teams..

03-03-2002, 11:04 PM
1 PT extreme with hopper and CA mod
3 trracer pumps
1 M98

We even placed 1st in the indoor world championships tonight in the low tech division.


03-03-2002, 11:27 PM
What my team has now

Me-my 2k2 cocker
Luis-SFL cocker and adrenelin angel
joe-dark angel
chris-dark angel
cole-dark angel
bender-99 cocker just tricked
eric- C&C angel

03-04-2002, 12:15 AM
back - cocker
mid - angel
mid - angel
front - emag/angel
front - emag/angel

just my opinion

the JoKeR
03-04-2002, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by animal
1 PT extreme with hopper and CA mod
3 trracer pumps
1 M98

We even placed 1st in the indoor world championships tonight in the low tech division.


And if I remember correctly, the first couple games it was actually FOUR Trracer pumps and my PT Extreme! Best part is that we were one elimination away from beating a team with an SFL, an Emag, and 3 other high end guns! Thanks to running out of paint on my 45 round hopper, their last man got both of us (after I got both of their front players) and we lost. Oh well, we lasted longer than anybody thought we could (including us!). We may have lost some games, but we never rolled over and died like they expected. Now if we were using our Mags......!

Team MONEY SHOT!:) :eek:

03-04-2002, 08:08 AM
i think this is what pinnacle woods shoots.

shaun-arua shocker (has a e-mag too)
paul- arua shocker
shauns bro-angels

thats mainly what they use, sometimes change...

03-04-2002, 11:02 AM
id say put an entire team with nothing but sting rays to see if a pro team will still own everyone

03-04-2002, 03:28 PM
Well, if I was spec'ing guns for tourney play, here's what it would be:

On The Cheap:

Front: Electro PMI Pirahna's
Mid: AutoMag/RetroMag or Cocker VF (Stock)
Back: M98 RT, RetroMag or Hinged Cocker.

On the Not-Cheap:
Front: Bushmaster, Vision Impulse or Hinged Minicocker.
Mid: Matrix, Hinged Autococker, RT Pro
Back: Shocker, Matrix, RT Pro.

03-04-2002, 03:31 PM
5 E-Mags

4 with Warps. 2 back players and both tape men.
1 Center feed. For the center player.

Mega Man
03-04-2002, 03:33 PM
Back-E-Mag Xtreem

03-04-2002, 03:34 PM
what ever everyone feels comfortable with and is reliable. If you aren't comfortable with a gun, or are wondering if it is going to fire every time you pull the trigger then you probably aren't going to be focused on your game 100% which is what it is all about.