View Full Version : Skyball Report!!!!!!

03-03-2002, 10:28 AM
This thread is gonna be about my personal opinion about Skyball.

Things I liked:

-Awesome fields made for good games and good excitement. Fields were wide open and it was hard for front players like me to make long runs. Sup' Air is always fun and our field is the only field with a snake so that added to the challenge.

-The timing of the games was awesome b/c you could see the time left. During the 10 second countdown we could count it down and be ready for the start.

-Trade show was cool but prices on some stuff was crazy. I bought some DYE core knee pads(50), and I only bought some small stuff after that b/c of the bad prices.

Things I didnt like:

-REFFING!!! All around the reffing was OK. The bias canadian reffing killed us in one game. I ran to the dorito on the right tape on the 50 and bunkered a guy. I saw like 3 hits on him, he didnt know it was coming. He came back over the base with hits on him and bunkered me. Normally that would be a 1 for 1 penalty(playing on with a hit), instead the ref pulled both of us. This was a horrible call seeing how i was in good position for the rest of there team. Later we found out that ref practices with that team. There were a few other small cases. I didnt like the reffing.

-Sportsmanship was the worst i have ever seen in my life. Throwing guns, starting fights and most of all cheating. From Rookie and even up to the Pro's there was horrible cheating.

This is just a breif overview of the tourney, My team ended up around 18th i think. Not bad for out of 120. Jax Warrior took second but deserved 1st, Ground Zero 2 was a bunch of wining baby's. Thanks for reading!!

03-03-2002, 11:33 AM
Sorry to hear about the poor sportsmanship. I will be interested to hear other's views on the events. Thanks for posting. :)

03-03-2002, 11:48 AM
Well on the sportmanship thing it's not like every team was doing it. I meet alot of nice teams but in the Pro's it really pissed me off. Like people i look up to cheating and whining. Jax Warrior was one of the better teams i saw out there. They are some cool guys and they played well. I wish they still were sponsored by AGD but i got to see there killer cockers and stuff.

03-03-2002, 12:44 PM
lukcy we had a good division and semi finals. all the teasm we played were really cool. i did notice a few wipes here and there but ive come to expect that now.

i would like to say that yes some teams were terrible. i seen 2 bunker moves where the guy was shot 5+ times in the back of the head. now what the hell is that? another time i seen a guy get shot 13 times in the middle of the back when he got bunkers. none of these guys where even facing the guy who bunkerd them. the refs did absolutly nothing.

playing on was a huge problem as well. the center flag on field one was a particular issue since u could make the flag on the break. if u bunkered your mirror on the flag station he would come around bunker u and then run down the feild with hits and the refs would pull everyone he shot. these r just incidence that stuck out in my mind but yes there was lots of crap going on that shouldnt have.

some of these refs were not even 15 years old as well. how much can they know about tournaments and handle this kinda event at 15????????????

the head officials werent organized. no one was informed. we were told that we couldnt walk the semi finals feild before we played it. it took us 40 min to finally get things fixed.

last year was sooo much better from a players stand point overall.

03-03-2002, 04:00 PM
I watched quite a few games on Friday and I thought the amount of cheating was awfull. This can be partially blamed on the poor reffing (I know one guy who was reffing and I wouldn't trust him know if his shoes were on the right feet!), but ultimately it's the players who do the actual cheating.

The million dollar question is how do we remove the cheating so that paintball can be ranked with other major sports?
