View Full Version : Where do most people sell markers online these days?! Financial woes...

08-18-2020, 01:27 PM
Well, the title says it all...Where do most people sell markers online these days?! Financial woes...

I have some nice/“collectible” markers I need to move quickly. I have bills I must be able to pay! I haven’t played in probably five years, but have a ton of gear. I need money fast, but where is the most selling traffic for mags and cockers these days?! I’ve been looking on Facebook for hours, but would rather get some advice from a trusted source like AO!!!



08-18-2020, 01:54 PM
You can try mcarterbrown or on Facebook there are automag and cocker groups

08-18-2020, 02:21 PM
I think you’d find buyers relatively quickly here and on the Facebook groups.

08-18-2020, 04:52 PM
Facebook is far-and-away the most active place to BST paintball. There isn't a better option. You might have to search for the right 'Group' to join, but there are multiple Automag groups.

Forums are hit or miss, PBN and MCB being the two best bets.

08-18-2020, 05:03 PM
If I ever have to sell automag stuff I do it in this order
AO->MCB->Facebook with a day or so between each, I'd rather give the community that I know will take care of high ends mag stuff the first chance to own the items

08-18-2020, 06:02 PM
Tell us what ya got.

08-18-2020, 06:13 PM
I know it’s a 4 letter word but things having been moving on Ebay for pretty nutty amounts. I’m not just talking about asking prices.

Otherwise here, MCB and FB groups are good but the amount of leg work with the “DM me” crowd is annoying....

08-18-2020, 07:21 PM

If you want top dollar no matter where you list it will be slow.

08-18-2020, 10:06 PM
If you want top dollar no matter where you list it will be slow.

This does NOT seem to be the case on Facebook. It's like watching piranha's go at each other. FB has superseded all forums as the place to sell now.

08-19-2020, 08:43 AM
Ebay will net you the highest dollar on desirable used gear, even after paying fees, provided you list smartly (great pics, searchable title, list in evening auctions closing Sun-Wed) Let buyers compete and discover the highest viable market value, if there's demand you will consistently win out vs. trying to price-set on your own. I always go ebay for older higher-end stuff.

Targeted PB forums expect average or competitive prices. Plus, tons of "chatter" when selling on forums or FB. For a one-off sale that may be fine, but for any real volume it's untenable to keep up with.
Forum traffic has been slipping in past couple years, shifting to FB.

Paypal remains the safest payment method assuming you can't process cards.

Market prices on most high end gear from 2000-2010 has increased materially in past 1-2yrs. Autocockers went first, DYE is starting to follow, etc. EG. 2005-2010 Matrix average prices are up easily 15% in 2020. Mags seem to be following pattern on a slower curve, there's simply a smaller buyer base for automags.

08-19-2020, 08:49 AM
Facebook, PBN, MCB, AO, PBN, facebook, and facebook.

Everything moves fast on facebook, especially treasure chest markers, but if it doesn't move right away, it gets buried by new posts. If you're patient, eBay and forums are probably going to get you a better price, and the posts are visible longer.

08-20-2020, 11:08 AM
A Karta Emag sold on FB in less than 12 hours just last week, for over $2k asking price... it's definitely the place to list things now.

08-24-2020, 09:33 PM
Thanks all! Sorry for the late reply. I really appreciate the help here and elsewhere on the interwebz. The paintball community seems as strong as ever! I will post a sales thread soon. A very detailed vid I had online now seems to not be working, so I’m looking into that.

I just this evening heard about MCB getting hacked and nuked! Wild!

I’ll reply here when I get a sales thread up and running here. It will be on AO as I don’t believe people would be too keen on me linking to FB (it’s probably against the rules anyways)

Thanks again!!!