View Full Version : Well, played my first tourney.

Load SM5
03-03-2002, 06:44 PM
First off the weather was cold. It never made it above freezing and we had some snow flurries for the first couple of hours. The end result is I broke paint like crazy. I tried 3 different kinds of paint and never made it through a game without a break. The worst one was the first game of the day and I was still cleaning my barrel when they called the 10 second warning. I've never screwed a barrel on so fast. I also had problems with my HALO blending paint so I switched to my back-up revy. I finally got the paint slightly under control by switching to big ball. I still occasionally broke but nowhere near as bad.
The rest of the day went pretty smoothly. I got shot people and got shot. I hung the flag twice and got mugged a few times. All and all I played pretty average. My teammates played a little better until the finals where we tubed getting no points for 2 of the games. We still had enough to get 3rd place in the amateur class. So now I have this pretty gaudy trophy sitting above my computer. Not too shabby.

03-03-2002, 06:48 PM
goodjob, thats good for a 1st tourney team..think of it this way, at least u got a trophy!

03-03-2002, 06:48 PM
let me be the first to say:


Load SM5
03-03-2002, 06:58 PM
Thanks Jonno06.

03-03-2002, 07:00 PM
thats a nice trophy u got there, better than ours for 2nd place

03-03-2002, 08:11 PM
GREAT JOB!!!!! :) :) REPRESENT!!!! :cool:

03-03-2002, 08:18 PM
I can opt for the cold weather and unbelievable amounts of breaking.. Big Ball made it for me ;) I had balls bursting midair heh suck..

Load : j00 r0xz0r /\/\y 6oxz0rz
heh Now i need sleep..

03-03-2002, 11:30 PM
Load, were all kinds of markers breaking paint about as much in those conditions?

brian terry
03-04-2002, 02:00 AM
good job,and im shure the paint breaking was couse of the cold ,

03-04-2002, 03:06 AM
Congrats guys! Not bad considering the technical difficulties. I too want to know how the other guns did on paint.


03-04-2002, 03:10 AM
Getting a trophy in your first ever tournament is a fantastic result. Congratulations! :)


03-04-2002, 05:53 AM
Way to go... good job. :)

Load SM5
03-04-2002, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Congrats guys! Not bad considering the technical difficulties. I too want to know how the other guns did on paint.


A few other guns were breaking although nowhere near as bad a me. There was even a team that consisted of all e-mags and they rarely broke. I saw a few angels with problems but, considering the amount of paint that rained on us one game from an all angel team, it did'nt seem to bother them too much. Also on my team we had an angel and a shocker. The shocker never broke and the angel had one break. I was shooting, in order RPS Lightning (horrible stuff, brittle with a fill like toothpaste)this did'nt last long, Then I went to All-Stars, my favorite, but still breaking every other shot. Then Zap with no luck and finally Big Ball.

Tom- I talked to a former tech from Shocktech this weekend (name escapes me Mark or Mike I think)and he clued me in to a few things, his theories. If you want to e-mail me I'd be happy to share them with you or I can post them here.
Also if there's anyway I can send my gun in for a check-up and some upgrades this would be a perfect time. I won't be able to play for a few weeks. I'm still loving my SFL but this weekend was very frustrating. Anything you can do at this point would be welcome.

03-04-2002, 07:21 AM
Load - one of our guys (spacemanspiff) had a hell of a lot of problems with breaks when he got his SFL. Modifying the superbolt to take a foamie did wonders for him. You may want to talk to him... He also switched from a HALO to a revvy...

If Tom checks this, it may be a common problem you may want to look into. And once again, it didn't happen to Scott (spacemanspiff) in his backyard, only on the field.

Load SM5
03-04-2002, 07:30 AM
My bolt does have a foamie and I did switch from my HALO to a revy after the first game. The HALO chopped the brittle paint inside the hopper. Quite messy.

03-04-2002, 07:31 AM
I could help you with the markers breaking paint.. mainly the extremly LP guns (From what i saw) hardly broke... I got hailed on by shockers and cockers all day.. and my angel broke about every single ball until i switch to big ball... Hey load are you going to be at NAP this coming weekend.. I should have my cocker then >=P

Load SM5
03-04-2002, 07:39 AM
Probably not..but maybe.

I saw quite a few angels that seemed to be doing fine. Robert's was one of them.

03-04-2002, 07:43 AM
He was shooting zap too.. Stars and Lightning were crap.. But my angel looked like it was a nice steady stream of paint coming out of the barrel, Not in ball form.. and the all emag team had A lot of problems at the first of the day with breaking.. I watched their first game and one of the had choped so much his emag ceased to cycle... They where pretty good.. Damn hard to play 2 vs 1 with them..

03-04-2002, 08:05 AM
Congratulations LoadSM5 on a successful first tourney.

I just wanted to comment on my experiences with my own SFL. I played yesterday for the first time where my SFL didn't behave as a paint blender. Up until yesterday, whenever I've use it, it seems to shoot 2 or 3 balls and then it just starts breaking them down the barrel. I was shooting Pro Ball up to yesterday but switch to a fresh case of Marbs and boy what a difference. Not a break all day until the last game where I had a couple. I was even able to win a 2 on 1 situation because of how well I was shooting.

I think paint to barrel match is so crucial with this marker. I'm running mine with a Dye 14" Boomstick, Warp, Halo and the Stock RT bolt. I have a complete Freak system on it's way because I can't consistently keep from breaking paint and think this may solve my problem. I'm also waiting for Superbolts for the SFL to become available again. My original one broke the first day out.

Maybe AGD will let us send in our breach modules and get them modified or replaced. I know AGD reworked Kila's breach to help with barrel breaks and that they've under gone some design changes. Maybe the reworked breach is part of the solution here as well.

Anyway, still love my SFL and always get a lot of comments on it from other players.

03-04-2002, 09:02 AM
Congrats Load. Placing in your first tournament is a great start.

Was looking at another thread you started showing the vert neck adapter from KAPP. Do you think that may have contributed to some of the ball breaks?

Congrats again,

Johnny Bravo
03-04-2002, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by 2000Sabre

Maybe AGD will let us send in our breach modules and get them modified or replaced. I know AGD reworked Kila's breach to help with barrel breaks and that they've under gone some design changes. Maybe the reworked breach is part of the solution here as well.

Actually, I think Kila got his breech machined on his own. I'm pretty sure AGD is still working on configuring the breech geometry. I hope I will be able to send mine in soon for the upgrades.

Anyway, Congradulations on your tourney victory LoadSM5. I hope the paint breaking issue didn't get you too down. I played once outdoors in the cold and I as well broke half the paint I was shooting. I guess I'll just stick to playing indoors.

Load SM5
03-04-2002, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by RiceRocket

Was looking at another thread you started showing the vert neck adapter from KAPP. Do you think that may have contributed to some of the ball breaks?

I wondered that too. But I tried it all out the day before in my back yard with good results. Certainly, the first game was due to the blended paint mess in my hopper.

I blame it largely on the cold. Like Stooks said, everyone had problems to one degree or another.

brian terry
03-04-2002, 10:47 AM
i dont understand how you guys with the sfl are brakeing paint as much as you say,iv got a 14 boomstick and i use the ss fomey bolt ,and iv shot over way over 30 case of paint in it and tom and my self went over and got it at the world cup last year,i use a rev with the x bored in it and i just had the ace put in 2 weeks ago,guys if theres anything i can do email me or call joann at agd and get my number or ill call u and we will get this ball brakeing stoped ,...///

03-04-2002, 11:18 AM
my sfl behaved like a blender when it was cold outdoors and the velocity was around 270 while using the superbolt......now i use the standard longnose foamieless and have almost no problems indoor or outdoor....i shot 2500 rounds in the pb daves indoor 5-man tourney yesterday with not a single break.....the chrono was 250....I think the superbolt is just not that super...granted I switched because my ver.2 sb broke.....my take is that maybe the superbolt is hitting the balls too hard and accelerating them at too high a rate because it's so light and moving so quickly? granted i'm not a physics lover so I'll leave that to someone else.....and the ACE kicks A$$...

03-04-2002, 11:58 AM
Third huh? What's that? like....Second LOSER!!!!

Just kidding you.

Congrats and sorry about your trouble. Tom will get it sorted out for you if there is a technical answer on the markers end. :D

Load SM5
03-04-2002, 12:25 PM
Hey...Hey...HEY! More comments like that little mister and you don't get to hang out with us cool kids at Mardi Gras next year. Remember the free beer?;)

I'm sure Tom will tell me what I need to do to get this solved. I'll see if he responds to this thread before I start the incessant phonecalling.:D

Thanks for all the congrats guys.

03-04-2002, 12:35 PM
Well Tom did make mention to a certain web master that he was going to have to design a Marker stupid enough for some of us...

Oh wait...FREE BEER! ummmmmm...well...never mind. I take it all back....;)

03-04-2002, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
a Marker stupid enough for some of us...

Now you are asking for the impossible... how could a gun be that dumb?.... :D


03-04-2002, 12:43 PM
hmmm. blenders suck. Then again, like i told you the other day, I saw the same problems last thursday night at the leauge games. For those of you that dont know, im talking about a 3 man thursday night tourney leauge here in mobile. ANyway, long story short, last thurs it was somewhere around 30 outside. most guns were blenders. not one mag on the field. these were all cockers, (dark) angels, and a lot of lower end stuff (black draguns, ect. )

primairly proball being shot.

Jeff, i think your talking about Matt (Davis)

By the way, why did he come back to flo-town? Dj told me that he was back the other day. just wondering.

03-04-2002, 12:43 PM
That seems to be Tom's biggest hurdle in development! :D

Load SM5
03-04-2002, 12:50 PM
Yes, that would be Matt Davis. He has moved back so I guess we'll see more of him around here if he ever finds a new job. His suggestion was for me to send my gun back in to Airgun but I wanted the final say so from Tom.

03-04-2002, 12:51 PM
Hey man thats great about the tourney, good job.
As far as your breaking paint prob I know how you feel. I got my sfl and halo a 2 weeks ago. I ripped on it in the back yard and it shot fine, went through 3 tubes. Next day I go to the field and as I start cronoing I would break every 4th ball I shot. I must have wasted a 1/2 case trying to fix it. Finally I put my revy back on, dropped my bps to 14 and made my super bolt a foame (thanks to tunaman). It shot alot better for the rest of the day only had 2 breaks through my next case.
I've sent my old superbolt in for a new one w/ foame. I hope it makes a bigger difference.

Load SM5
03-04-2002, 12:53 PM
Well according to Matt Davis the superbolt cycles too fast for tourney paint, smacking it too hard, and causing the breaks. He suggested the longnosed foamie for tourney paint and cold weather.

03-04-2002, 01:39 PM
Im never playing again in that cold of weather... it wasnt even playing.. it was luck..lol..

03-04-2002, 02:57 PM
Does the store sell longnose foames that will work in the SFL? And I wonder if there is ever going to be a longnose superbolt foame:rolleyes: an idea maybe......

03-04-2002, 03:04 PM
That is defeating the purpose that Load is talking about here. Its like the superbolt is cycling too fast and breaking the brittler shelled paint and paint in cold weather.. Thats the idea about changing to a longnose bolt.. So it slows the bolt down some before hitting the paint therefor not breaking it. Just to let you know i was standing right there when this conversation took place :)

03-04-2002, 03:08 PM
Okay, one question...


Lol when we played our first tournament we atleast had decent guns:

Minimag w/Nitro
Minimag w/Nitro
Cocker w/Nitro

The people we were playing with had BE Avengers and stuff. God I did feel bad for them when I pulled and hung the flag, for the 6th time :D.

Lucky you and your SFL...

GOOD JOB!! I know what it's like to win something, hehe, especially paintball because I love it. I also know what it's like to play in cold weather. Hell I live in Newfoundland! We can have 4 seasons in half an hour easy! It's raining today and 8* Celcius, tomorrow it's supposed to snow and be about -4* Celcius :confused:, crazy weather.

Yay! You won!!
I like that trophy too!

03-04-2002, 03:32 PM
Heh.. i played my first big tourney yesterday too.. and i played it with an angel

Load SM5
03-04-2002, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by MikeCouves
Okay, one question...


I've been rec-balling for 3 or so years. I just never imagined myself being a tourney player. It was a whole different game and really, really fun. I plan to do it again when a good local tourney pops up and it's above freezing.;) My first gun was a splatmaster. Actually the last gun I bought was a splatmaster, too.

03-04-2002, 05:14 PM
woot my cocker will be in Wed.. Now if Trueman will trade for that cocker so i can get that boomstick ;)

03-04-2002, 11:32 PM
Well, if the super bolt cycles too fast is there a way to adjust the bolt foward time to match that of a standard mag bolt? Actually, if you matched the foward time the super bolt might be traveling slightly slower than a stock bolt when it smacks the paintball since it accelerates from standstill faster. If the actual speed of the superbolt is the same as or slightly slower than a regular bolt, I don't see why it would break more paint.

I would think the main reason you get one is for recoil. An emag can already cycle more than fast enough anyways.

03-05-2002, 07:19 PM
Sunday we played in our second tourney. Actually we played against hysperion's team, we lost, only they got to use mags and electros while we had 3 pumps, a pt extreme and a t-98 (they played low tech vs high tech). We ended up placing first in the low tech division... who knew we'd pull off 1st against a team of semi's. :) It also should be mentioned that they took 3rd because the place didnt have 2nd place trophys. What a scam.

Because I know you're all wondering, i'm takin the knee... the joker is on the left, legion is right of him, and law is right of him. Sadly, the last guy doesn't feel it necessary to join ao :(

03-06-2002, 11:44 AM
whered you find that picture?...or did you take it yourself?
BTW *not only did they lose, they lost multiple times*

03-06-2002, 01:06 PM
one of the guys with law took it

03-06-2002, 02:59 PM
congradtulations on the 3rd place, Load. I wish to play tournies but mass dosnt have many.

Anyways, i almost always use bigball in my micro. it shoots more accurate(in my barrel) and it breaks alot less than most paints. also is inexpensive. i used to have trouble shooting fast because i would shortstroke, and all the balls would blow up in the gun. not anymore, since i got my hyperframe.

im happy with my gun, and its performance still kicks me when i play with it. shoots nice, i think.

03-06-2002, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Hysperion
BTW *not only did they lose, they lost multiple times*

Considering we were running 4 pumps in the one game we took out 4 of your 5 players, we did better than I thought we would. Still, yes, you did beat us :)

03-06-2002, 09:22 PM
your forgetting we only had 4 real players...you can't count my brother's 15 year old friend who almost never plays and i grabbed at the last minute: who shot a t-98 ....:)....i'd take one of you with a pump over 2 of him with e-mags any day :)