View Full Version : What's new in paintball?

Zone Drifter
04-08-2021, 07:01 AM
I didn't get out to play last year, likely due to covid, but I have been playing at least one scenario game a year to illustrate how unfit I am to run around a field. Has anything new and significant came out recently? It appears that lightweight mechanical markers are making a mark again, which I love. I'm all about single trigger semis to help slow the game down a bit. I've been feeding Luke's some cash to keep building projects going, but I just haven't been to a field in almost two years now. I'm totally out of the loop on what is current, but other than mechs making more of a comeback I feel like the industry is a bit stagnate.

What have all of you seen happening in the paintball world lately?

captian pinky
04-08-2021, 08:26 AM
you haven't missed much. Covid pretty much slowed everything that was moving forward.

Mech 10 man events are a thing and pretty awesome. ICC being the big one. Scenario/ big game events are very touch and go right now.

as far as equipment. a few new hoppers, nothing that really stands out as being amazing must have.

I have a youtube Channel which has been pretty active with mags and cocker shooting videos and some other stuff. shameless plug.

There have been a ton of new podcasts that have popped up.

bunch of cocker techs have come out of nowhere since COVID. It has been interesting watching some of the videos people are putting out.

04-11-2021, 08:26 PM
Geo 4, Shocker Amp. Nothing revolutionary though.