View Full Version : Level 10 Question

04-11-2021, 04:01 PM
The recommended method for running a level ten, as best I can remember, was to use the largest carrier that didn’t leak and the longest spring will shot at your desired FPS. I get the carrier part, but why the longer spring, since you just end up upping the pressure to overcome the return spring. How does using a longer spring help or go easier on paint?

Gundam V
04-11-2021, 06:31 PM
Gold spring will work fine. Red spring is if you need to be more gentle on paint for the brittle stuff. If I remember right the longest (silver) spring was meant to be trimmed and is the stronger compared to red. The higher pressure is needed to overcome the force of the spring, if I recall right.

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04-11-2021, 08:05 PM
How does the stronger spring help with brittle paint since you just up the pressure on the reg to get it to cycle?

Gundam V
04-11-2021, 11:16 PM
The red spring is stronger than the gold, so you would need to turn in the velocity nut to increase the pressure to overcome the resistance of the stronger spring. When you do that the gun cycles, what were to happen if you increase resistance with say a half fed ball. There is no longer enough pressure to overcome that resistance triggering the bolt to vent. Once it vents enough pressure thebspring overpowers the bolt forcing a reset. Tom Kaye described it using a teeter totter to more easily explain, its a balance of spring strength and pressure.

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04-12-2021, 12:32 AM
Yes, but why would a red (stronger spring) be any different than the gold spring since you need to add pressure to compensate on the other end of the teeter totter? I don’t see why a stronger spring would make it any softer on paint, since it would seem in either case teeter totter effect would not change. Two equal weight adults or children in a teeter totter would have the same effect of balancing each other out.

04-12-2021, 08:51 AM
The different springs close the gap between not firing and firing as gently on paint as possible. It’s been a while, but here’s what I remember when using largest carrier that doesn’t leak, well oiled, gun in good working order, etc.

Gold spring will start firing around 225fps. If you turn the gun up to shoot 285fps, there is excess force behind the bolt. Excess meaning it won’t be as gentle on paint as possible, but it will be ultra-reliable due to the 60fps differential.

Red spring will start shooting around 250fps. If you turn the gun up to 285fps, there’s enough force behind the bolt to fire, but it will be gentle on paint. 35fps differential - this is ideal for reliability and gentleness on paint.

Long gray spring uncut starts shooting around 300fps. This one is meant to be trimmed for fine-tuning at the risk of the gun occasionally not firing.

Originally, I used a tight carrier and trimmed gray spring. It was incredibly gentle on paint, but the gun was not reliable. I remember hitting the side of the gun and degassing/regassing the gun to get it to work while taking fire from multiple angles. I changed to red spring and largest carrier that wouldn’t leak. I could still pinch the same ball 5-10 times before it would break, and the gun was reliable.

04-12-2021, 12:25 PM
Got it. Thanks for the info!