View Full Version : Paintball on comedy central

03-03-2002, 10:32 PM
I just caught the tail end of a segment of insomniac (ya know that show w/ the guy that goes out all night and parties. . . ) Looks like this is in Atlanta

Well, i only caught the tail end of it, but he was doing a 24hr scenario game!. Not sure where,. . missed that part. BUT, there was plenty of night vision on field action, Proper eye protection worn (someone let him borrow a cocker, then later it looked like a shocker, . . and some flex 7's! there was an 'interview' with one of the refs on field, while the game was on. During the course of them talkin, the ref gets gogged. . . then Dave catches one, too. he asks the ref if he's out, and the ref says yes, and reminds him to put in his barrel plug before walking off the field. Later there was some shots from the staging area, plenty of players in jersys, ect. ect.

From what i caught of it, it portrayed paintball in THE BEST light ive ever seen on TV. Heck, when i first walked in the room (my roomate had it on) from the sound i thought he was watching my PUSH video.

Very cool.

Anyway. . .


03-03-2002, 10:50 PM
im way ahead of you i posted something about this a few days ago

03-03-2002, 10:53 PM
I think the coolest thing i saw for paintball on tv was some sort of championship on ESPN.

I wish they'd show those more, i beleive sometime in June they are having some national thing on. I remember emailing them asking them why they don't show a lot of paintball and they said that most people wouldn't watch it because its hard to tell exactly what is going on in paintball.

I dunno about everyone else, but i'd watch it everychance i get :)


03-03-2002, 11:01 PM
whoops. . . where's that 'now entering last week' sign? lol

oh well. I still thought it was cool, anyway.

03-03-2002, 11:26 PM

03-04-2002, 12:18 AM
i also saw insomniac with dave and i saw the paintball and i was like woa! cool. and then i watched the rest of the show. paintball on the tv what will they come up with next?

With nothing but flat land and cows these 16 people will have to make thier homes and lives revolve around the cows and corn.