View Full Version : Micromag 2k9 Velocity Issues

02-04-2022, 09:19 PM
Is there any hope for micromag 2k9 bodies with velocity issues?

I found a few for sale that are intriguing, but haven’t found straight answers if there’s a known fix for the first generation.

They sure are pretty.


02-05-2022, 12:12 AM
Luke used to offer a fix for them, he's long since discontinued that service

02-05-2022, 04:23 AM
some have said that you dont have velocity issues with an xvalve only with classic valve. If I remember correctly when people say velocity issues was that they could not get above 280-300. Most fields around here cap velocity at 275-290 to have that little buffer and for insurance. so maybe not that big of an issue.
one of these days i have to pull my two brand new ones and try them out to see what results i get.

02-08-2022, 02:15 PM
I didn't have any with the one I had but usually with the velocity issues it was pretty much all valves.

Luke knows what to do to fix it but the secret has been locked in the vault of the masters of the universe, and no one has the power.....


02-08-2022, 02:50 PM
Luke knows what to do to fix it but the secret has been locked in the vault of the masters of the universe, and no one has the power..... :rolleyes:

I have no interest in being part of this conversation. But it's not brain surgery or unattainable information, if you want to know what the problems are with these bodies just reverse engineer it and then compare that to AGD specs. Or try to contact Forrest with PTP maybe he'll help, because its not my problem. That's the only answer you'll ever get out of me on the subject no matter how many times you mention it. :p

02-08-2022, 04:05 PM
I have no interest in being part of this conversation. But it's not brain surgery or unattainable information, if you want to know what the problems are with these bodies just reverse engineer it and then compare that to AGD specs. Or try to contact Forrest with PTP maybe he'll help, because its not my problem. That's the only answer you'll ever get out of me on the subject no matter how many times you mention it. :pWhy is that? If you are not going to fix them then why dont you just spill the beans on how to do it. I would be interested myself...

02-08-2022, 04:38 PM
Why is that? If you are not going to fix them then why dont you just spill the beans on how to do it. I would be interested myself...

This is not a Lc product so you should contact ProTeam Products, Forrest is still around.

Or you can pick up a Lc Micromag, I'll be glad to answer any questions you have on the Deflator. :)
The Deflator design was the MM2K9 that I wanted.


02-08-2022, 07:20 PM
Concerning the PTP MM2K9 bodies, I'm still guessing one of two things:
1. Bolt spring is over-compressed when installing valve. This pre-over-compression prevents higher velocities. Similar to installing red or gray spring on Level 10 without turning in the velocity adjuster to compensate.
2. Bolt releases air too far back in stroke. Too much air is lost up feed tube or elsewhere to propel the ball at higher velocities.

Or perhaps both. They may be connected. But I only have second-hand info to go on. I've never owned one. I just don't like the looks enough to veer from AGD products, which work (or have a large support network to get them to work when they seldom don't).

02-08-2022, 07:22 PM
This is not a Lc product so you should contact ProTeam Products, Forrest is still around.

Or you can pick up a Lc Micromag, I'll be glad to answer any questions you have on the Deflator. :)
The Deflator design was the MM2K9 that I wanted.


OK, I'll try again 3? 5? years later. What dimensions differ on the Deflator vs. the MM2K9 that allow the Deflator to reach higher velocities than the MM2K9? :)

02-08-2022, 07:34 PM
What dimensions differ on the Deflator vs. the MM2K9 that allow the Deflator to reach higher velocities than the MM2K9? :)

The ones that matter, wouldn't you think? (lol)

02-08-2022, 08:23 PM
The ones that matter, wouldn't you think? (lol)

We’ll talk in another 3-5 years.

02-09-2022, 12:42 AM
This is not a Lc product so you should contact ProTeam Products, Forrest is still around.

Or you can pick up a Lc Micromag, I'll be glad to answer any questions you have on the Deflator. :)
The Deflator design was the MM2K9 that I wanted.


damn that is almost the colors i would want in one of your builds, only with the zframe.

02-09-2022, 04:59 PM
I have no interest in being part of this conversation. But it's not brain surgery or unattainable information, if you want to know what the problems are with these bodies just reverse engineer it and then compare that to AGD specs. Or try to contact Forrest with PTP maybe he'll help, because its not my problem. That's the only answer you'll ever get out of me on the subject no matter how many times you mention it. :p

It's unfortunate for you that you ever fixed one of these.

Because your name will be synonymous with the 2K9 micromag always like it or not.


02-10-2022, 11:08 AM
It's unfortunate for you that you ever fixed one of these.

Because your name will be synonymous with the 2K9 micromag always like it or not.


Is that bad? :confused:

02-10-2022, 11:32 AM
Is that bad? :confused:

Not to me but you seem a bit put out every time this subject (and you in tandem with it) are mentioned.

It's all good.


02-10-2022, 12:17 PM
Not to me but you seem a bit put out every time this subject (and you in tandem with it) are mentioned.

Interesting that that's your take on my comments here, no idea how you conjured that up in your mind. :confused:

02-10-2022, 02:27 PM
Interesting that that's your take on my comments here, no idea how you conjured that up in your mind. :confused:

I have to agree with GH here. you seemed a bit annoyed, put off and defensive. Maybe that wasn't your intention but that is what I saw as well.

02-10-2022, 03:17 PM
I have to agree with GH here. you seemed a bit annoyed, put off and defensive. Maybe that wasn't your intention but that is what I saw as well.

:) Well that's humorous, typical, and par for the course. :D

02-10-2022, 07:27 PM
It's all good. ;)

02-12-2022, 08:11 PM
Where's the Mag whisperer when you need him.

02-13-2022, 11:24 AM
Where's the Mag whisperer when you need him.

Like I told you, I do not have the 100% answer, only an educated guess. Regardless, the person who does, and who could remedy the situation for the person with the problem is unfortunately being a douche about it.

I forwarded this thread to Forest Hatcher from PTP. Hopefully he could shed some light on things and offer a possible solution.

02-13-2022, 07:52 PM
The issues as I remember them from 10+ years ago are the 2k9 bodies were designed to not use a steel washer. Unfortunately some of the bodies started peening over where the spring goes so ptp sent out washers to be slide into the body's. This creates some issues because now the bolt can not travel as far.

I believe the solution is boring the deeper to allow the bolt to have its original travel. It's a mod that requires a pretty good milling machine or there a good chance you'll scrap the body.

Now all that is from what I recall from back when these were more common and people were trying to fix them. I never owned one. Luke is the only person I know of who had success in fixing them.

If I'm wrong please let me know