View Full Version : Hey AGD here are some ideas

soilent green
03-04-2002, 02:59 PM
These are some ideas I have heard and come up with my self

1. A secondary reg based on the RT reg (for cockers and such)
2. an integrated hopper for warps
3. an 88/4500 flatline
4. intelliframes for other brands of markers
5. more contoured and comfy Emag grips
6. more colors for mags
7. A link for warps and revvys already in stalled on intelli (I would pay another $10-$20 for a more proffesional looking and already installed grip)
8. classic needs at least different color body rails and better grips to compete with other guns in its price range

any other ideas and coments are welcomed

03-04-2002, 03:08 PM
You mean ideas just like these? Beat cha to em already. :D


soilent green
03-04-2002, 03:35 PM
I think I read that that was my idea of completeing the intelli but their ar some new ones here to

03-04-2002, 03:40 PM
8. classic needs at least different color body rails and better grips to compete with other guns in its price range

Ahhh.... the "Shinney Things" theory. Shinneyer things sell better. Why do people aways assume that shinney things preform better??? whats the diffrence between regular black and blue...how does that help the guns performance??:D It might help it sell better. but people who buy mags know what they are buying.As for people who buy thing becuase they are shinney and have a lot of features they will never use, I honestly dont think i want people like that to possibly ruin the name of AGD.

03-04-2002, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag

Ahhh.... the "Shinney Things" theory. Shinneyer things sell better. Why do people aways assume that shinney things preform better??? whats the diffrence between regular black and blue...how does that help the guns performance??:D It might help it sell better. but people who buy mags know what they are buying.As for people who buy thing becuase they are shinney and have a lot of features they will never use, I honestly dont think i want people like that to possibly ruin the name of AGD.

The way something looks is a huge factor when it comes to buying things. Would you buy a car that looks like crap ,but still works fine, over a nice looking car with the same proformance?? NO you wouldnt. And making something look "cool" dosnet ruin the mag. Why are all these people getting these colored e-mags? I guess they are ruining the name of AGD because they are not using the ugly dull color for their mag. Also AGD wants to make money so I think that this is a good idea.

03-04-2002, 04:03 PM
no becuase, most of the people getting EMAGS have had a mag already, and know " Hey this is a good gun AND it looks good" as oppesed to some one getting a spyder ( i know not an equal comparrison, but stick with me.) who says " He this gun looks awsome, i wonder how it performs....o well it looks good atleast."

Im not sayin a better looking mag is bad, im saying the people who might buy it simply becuase it looks good might ruin or reputation by means like. having there gun always in a state of broken so that others might see mags as unreliable.

8. classic needs at least different color body rails and better grips to compete with other guns in its price range

The looks do not make it better off to "Compete" with other guns in performance.... mabey in sales, but not in performance.......and to me shinney guns only make it easyer for people to see you in "The DeadBox".

03-04-2002, 04:15 PM
1. A secondary reg based on the RT reg (for cockers and such) **on the list

2. an integrated hopper for warps
** we have to see how popular the warp becomes

3. an 88/4500 flatline
**not a problem but we have to see demand
4. intelliframes for other brands of markers
**not likely to happen
5. more contoured and comfy Emag grips
**talking to DYE, 50/50 this year, 90% for 2003
6. more colors for mags
**already got them check the store
7. A link for warps and revvys already in stalled on intelli (I would pay another $10-$20 for a more proffesional looking and already installed grip)
**not standard enough interface, you get everyone to agree then we can do it.

8. classic needs at least different color body rails and better grips to compete with other guns in its price range
**working on it now

03-04-2002, 04:33 PM
Hey Tom,
I think he meant like colors
i.e. blue red yellow purple green ect.

Also would we ever be able to see classic mags that come stock with intelliframes?

03-04-2002, 05:12 PM
[old guy]
Way back in the day they used to offer colored parts on mags... love those good ol days.

soilent green
03-05-2002, 09:23 AM
great tom and I think the intelli is to nice to put on the stock classic it will raise the price to much and hurt your upgrade abilities and as for 8. the body rail is anodized so other colors are easy and I think that every one has the right to own one of the best guns ever mad so lets not exclude the nubies

03-05-2002, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by soilent green
...an integrated hopper for warps...

YES! This is a great idea. That is the only thing I don't like about my warp. I feel like if I am not holing on to my hopper it will fly off during run / slide / fall / fill / etc... It hasn't happened yet, but I know it could quite easily because there is nothing holding it on... it's just a pressure fit.

I wish there was some sort of elbow or some set screws that would clamp it in place or something. I know it would be easy to make a mod on my own... and I probably will, but to have it on there from the factory would be great.

03-05-2002, 12:38 PM
See, the whole shinyier/better theory is perf for mags.
cause well we all know mags perform awsome, great, terrific, (would use bigger words but they sum it up pretty good) But now adding some cosmetics, fades, anno , milling not only will up the price on mags but it will up the consumers. Alot of people i know that have mags like mags, but the only way of making a mag look nice is to throw on the chrome, but that gets booring. Maybe mags should change there bodies and go autococker threads for all mags. Which then you can mill and anno mags, i am sure this will introduce MANY people to the mag world.

03-05-2002, 01:16 PM
I would've ordered an 88/4500 flatline if they would've been available. Instead I had to go with the 68 just cause that is what they had.

Still waiting for my flatline:rolleyes: by the way...

soilent green
03-05-2002, 01:22 PM
I kinda like the ss bodies though and I hate cocker threads but the mag needs more sales the rt valve has helped but not enough

03-05-2002, 01:32 PM
Maybe mags should change there bodies and go autococker threads for all mags. Which then you can mill and anno mags, i am sure this will introduce MANY people to the mag world.

What is there to mill?? its a tube on a handle!

03-05-2002, 01:38 PM
Maybe mags should change there bodies and go autococker threads for all mags. Which then you can mill and anno mags, i am sure this will introduce MANY people to the mag world.

Originally posted by HoppysMag
What is there to mill?? its a tube on a handle!

Read his statement again... that is what he is trying to say... in other words, if you change the "tube & handle" body to something different (like the MicroMag perhaps) then you can do some milling and make your gun look different than every other mag out there...

I personally like the way that my EMag looks like dude's EMag looks like kid's EMag and so on and so forth. Function, not fashion. :p

03-05-2002, 01:52 PM
Perhaps the Redesigned MiniMag will be an Extreme Body/Standard Valve combo.

I'm not a big fan of the Twist-lock barrels, A/C threading standard would be a big boost, so making the Extreme body standard would be a Good Thing. You could have the product line set up this way:

1. AutoMag: Extreme body in Black, 1 vertical breech, 1* valve, 45 Single trigger frame with cheapo grips PMI Barrel(The one on the Extreme), priced $350USD.

2. MiniMag: Extreme Body in 4-5 solid colours, 1 vertical breech, 3* valve, Vert ASA, 45 Single frame with Dye Stickies, PMI Barrel, $450USD.

3. RT-Mag: Extreme body in solid or fade colours (Fade Extra), both breeches, ReTro Valve, Intelliframe, Front ASA, Front Gas-thru Grip, CP or J&J 2-Piece Barrel, Price $650USD.

4. E-Mag Extreme Body in Solid/Fade/Dust colours(Fade/Dust extra) both breeches, ReTro Valve, E-Mag Frame/Battery, CP or J&J Two-Piece Barrel, $900USD.

5. Classic Mod: Twist-Lock Body+Rail combo for those with lot's of twist-lock Barrels, Priced about $150USD

6. Warp breeches sold inn Standard colours (add-on for low-end guns)

Zelda Ramras
03-05-2002, 03:01 PM
Those are some great ideas! I really like number 2(the integrated hopper for the warp), and number 7(pre-installed link for intelli to warp, or intelli to hopper on Intelli- frames).

03-05-2002, 03:10 PM
4. intelliframes for other brands of markers

why make intelliframes for other markes there is no other marker company that makes their frames for mags?

I like the idea of the integrated hopper and colored parts for mags that come stock

HERES ONE- how about mags that come stock with Intelliframes or Gas-Thru's? Maybe or Maybe not just a thought

soilent green
03-05-2002, 04:50 PM
I like the gas through grip idea but like I said earlier the intelli stock would make the price go up to much and as for the cocker threads it takes to long to unthread them i rather like the twist lock

Here is another cool idea I have a Z grip and really like it how about a special edition RT Pro with intelli Z grip with a warp already linked

soilent green
03-05-2002, 04:51 PM
I like the gas through grip idea but like I said earlier the intelli stock would make the price go up to much and as for the cocker threads it takes to long to unthread them i rather like the twist lock

Here is another cool idea I have a Z grip and really like it how about a special edition RT Pro with intelli Z grip with a warp already linked and a flatline