View Full Version : Help W/ Pressure Setup On My Mag

03-04-2002, 10:24 PM
I have a Retro Valve setup with A PMI Male Reg. & A PMI T.H.O.R. Female Reg. that hooks upto My 68ci/5000PSI PMI Nitro tank. My Question is what is the best Air Pressure Setup. And also Please explain why? Many Thanks In Advanced !!!:D

P.S. I will be using a Dye Double trigger Frame Not the Boo Yaah LCD Frame!!!....

03-04-2002, 10:54 PM
Its a beautiful gun...but you have WAAAAY too many regs going on there. You will be tripple regulating it BEFORE it gets to the A.I.R. Loose the front vert reg AND the Thor. I believe you will starve this gun and will have shootdown if you run it in your current config. You can get a Flatline, or a Pure Energy Preset works good. I give you an A for effort though....:D

03-04-2002, 11:22 PM
Loose the regs and run the gun straight from the screw in tank. You are quadruple regulating the gun it will most definately cause shootdown under rapid fire.

03-05-2002, 06:24 AM
ya dude, loose the regs. your Retro valve needs all the pressure it can get from your tank, the reg. would only be if you wanted to lower your input to the gun which I don't think you'll want to do on that valve, any valve but than one.

03-05-2002, 10:08 AM
Recommended input is 7-800psi, higher for more reactivity, lower for more consistency. Also the 2 extra regs are not a good idea. Regulators restrict airflow by design, and having 4 regs on a gun will definitly cause shootdown as the RT is very demanding airflow-wise. I'd recommend getting a gas-thru grip and bottom-line for that gun, save the extra regs for a cocker.

03-05-2002, 11:12 AM
The reason everyone is telling you to pull those regs off (they are right you will have four: tank, bottom line reg, PMI, Retro) is that to avoid shoot-down you really need at least a 200 psi drop on either side of each reg. A screw in will have around 850 so...youd drop to 650 at the bottem line reg and 450 after the PMI. That's way too low for the Retro. It would have NO reactivity. My screw in outputs around 850psi and I think that's perfect for the Retro. Plenty of reactivity without letting it run away.

If you had 850psi running into you Retro with that set-up you'll get massive shoot-down. I got shoot-down with just one reg between the tank reg. and the Retro.

So...to answer your question, I think an input of 850psi is perfect (some like it higher some lower) and that's what most screw in tanks output already.

03-05-2002, 07:18 PM
Wow ....I guess I went way over on the Reg's. The PMI T.H.O.R Tank DOES NOT have a Reg. However the Black Block on the bottom of the trigger is the T.H.O.R. reg. Thats the T.H.O.R. the Male PMI Reg. Not The Tank. Therefore my current setup would have 3 Reg's....So now....how about this setup:

Get rid of the Male PMI and in its place I'll put a Gas Thru and just keep the T.H.O.R. Reg. Would that be an ok setup? only reason why I ask is because I really like the look of the UGLY T.H.O.R....

Also can you guys explain what does RUN DOWN Mean? does that mean not enough air going to the Valve? Please explain.....

I really Like the fact the you guys gave me your honest remarks...Most other Forums just write trash....Many thanks to those who helped me out.....

03-05-2002, 07:25 PM
Also how do u guys measure the PSI on an automag without having any reg's? I have a Gauge showing me how much or little.

Many Thanks In Advanced !!!

03-05-2002, 07:42 PM
actually bro, just loose the male reg and replace it with lets say a chrome kapp gas through. You can keep the other one cause in a way its like a maxflow and those dont run like shibby on a mag. so lose the Male reg. Keep the female, and set your tank at about 800 - 850 if you wanna feel good reactivness... or around 600-700 if you want a crisp trigger .. but with bounce.

03-06-2002, 02:18 AM
your preset tank does have a reg, it's a preset one, but a reg all the same. you'd be good with that alone, once you know the preset pressure, you don't need a on-gun gauge.

Kaiser Bob
03-06-2002, 02:38 AM
Whatever input pressure you want is your choice with this gun, so long as it isnt low enough to severely hinder the retro's recharge rate. The reactivity and necessity for high flow to recharge the valve isnt really an issue given your choice of a Centerflag frame. Those things can only do 13 bps give or take a few bps, and you obviously wont really benefit all that much from the reactivity :)