View Full Version : looking for players in MA

03-05-2002, 06:18 AM
Hey all. I posted this on another forum, so, if you responded there, thanks. I was told to post it here,so here it is. I am looking for some players in the north central MA area. I am currently deployed with the Army, but I am expected back by october, and would like to link up with some players, possibly start/join a team. I am 31, have been playing on and off since 89, and currently shoot a classic mag w/retro, intelliframe, freak barrel, 12v revvy. I have played mostly rec ball, started some speedball a few years ago, when it was just getting popular. I really want to begin playing speedball, and am looking for people of the same level/age bracket to start or play with. If anyone is interested, feel free to post here or email me at my email address. Take care, and see you on the field!

03-05-2002, 10:16 AM
well... like i said in your other post... we are around... noto sure on how many in the central part of mass but ya got a good amount going east or west.... just depends where you want to play.... best bet for findin fields would probly be through warpig as they had a pretty good list for this state... and we can let you know of newer fields that are not listed on there.....

a new one like the new indoor field in the hampshire mall in hadley... its about 5 miles from UMass ahmerst.... as for the other end of the state those guyz are better off answering.......

03-05-2002, 12:44 PM
AO Nightmare (the team I'm on) plays in the Boston area. Mostly the South Shore. I can't really think of any fields in central Mass. You'll probably have to go north, west, or south east. We'd be happy to have you come down and play with us even if it's just a once and a while thing. Jsut let us know if your interested.

03-05-2002, 06:24 PM
Thanks guys, will let you know

03-05-2002, 06:53 PM
I guess I'm in central Mass. I used to play at Friendly Fire in Upton and it's new sister field, but now It's all about Global!