View Full Version : E-mag intelli feed?

03-05-2002, 04:00 PM
Ok, I really have a basic grasp of how the E-mag circut bord functions and how an intellifeed system functions is VERY limited, so this question may seem very bad but...
There is a small "outlet (for lack of a better word)" that I am assuming the warp feed can plug into the E-mag with. I am also assuming the this outlet functions like an intellifeed, where every time trigger is pulled, the mag sends an electrical pulse to the warp, telling it to move another ball into the tube. Now, based on these assumptions, is it possable to use this "outlet" and connect it directly to a revy? I don't have a warp feel, buti would like to set up my revy to rotate every time a shot is fired, instead of how it normally works. Is this possable or not? :cool:

03-06-2002, 09:43 PM
Im pretty sure its possible, As for how to do it.... thats beyond me.

03-07-2002, 09:46 PM
Because the Emag can be hooked up directly the to Warp it is likely that the port in the back works in a simple on-off manner rather than by increasing or decreasing the potential (digital pulse). If this is true, then the VL sensor mod (described by http://www.airgun.com/downloads/eureka3.pdf ) should work. I would put a jack (probably a headphone jack) that fits into the port and measure resistance across the wires. If the theory is correct, resistance should drop when the trigger is pulled.

The other possibility is that the port on the emag works digitally by raising the voltage on one of the lines when the trigger is pulled. In this case, the VL mod as described would probably not work and you would most likely need a digital "AND" gate or some transistors to make it work. In this case you would also need a oscilliscope to "see" the signal. But *if* a Warp feed is hooked up to the EMag in the *exact same* way that a intelliframe is, this would not be the case, since the intelliframe provides no EMF of its own.

Edited for wording and spelling

03-08-2002, 12:32 AM
The Warp link jack puts out a 5v + sig.

You can use that with a reed relay to trigger the Revy for short pulses.

What would work better is to have it actually work a small timer or something. Or gut the Revy and dump ina Warp board then youhave a way to control a spin time and some other functions.


03-08-2002, 03:59 PM
Yeah, so it was the "unlikely" scenario then. A reed relay would work, but you need one with enough coil resistance as to not drain too much current from the Emag (I don't know how much current that thing can handle, but I'm guessing its probably in the 100-200 mA range). I guess you could also use a transistor, but you would probably need to do biasing of some sort...

03-08-2002, 06:42 PM
AGD sells a warp > E Mag interface cable, maybe thats what you're looking for?

03-08-2002, 08:43 PM
That might be a part that he will need, but he is trying to hook up a VL to the Emag.

03-09-2002, 01:29 PM
Yes, thats what I'm trying to do. Hook up my revy to the e-mag directly. I know Smart parts used to sell a chip for the revy that would replace the X-bord with a chip that would rotate the revy every time the trigger is depressed. I know the chip worked with the Shocker and Impulse, but will it work with the mag? I'm kinda asuming that it won't. :cool:

03-14-2002, 10:21 AM
Would I be able to pop a warp chip into my revy> I don't know the exact dimesions on the chip and space, but I'm assuming it might not fit. If infact it would fit, where can I buy a warp bord?