View Full Version : Chat Room PREP for WLIPP

03-05-2002, 11:33 PM

You all need to start NOW and download the chat room software from www.mirc.com and set it up. If you rely on the chat room here on AO you are going to be dissapointed. This is the only way we can have an internet party so we don't have any other options.

The next thing I want to warn you about is that we are going to use email for some of the contests at WLIPP. The two things you want to be able to do are get in the chat room and send email.

Get it together and we will have a great time!


03-05-2002, 11:50 PM
So we're going to beat 150 in the chat room? Are we going to beat our old record for most members on too?

03-06-2002, 06:16 AM
So after we dload the mirc stuff we just get on the chat room like we normally do and I dont have to go through any other websites or anything?

03-06-2002, 08:56 AM
Ok, never joined the chat before, because it doesn´t work on my PC.
But now, I will download mIRC and hopefully join the WLIPP.
Anything to look at?

03-06-2002, 01:06 PM
Mirc will not let me connect!!!:mad:

03-06-2002, 01:06 PM
I just downloaded mine, version 6.01. Only took about 7 minutes, and I'm on 56k so it doesn't take that long at all.

03-06-2002, 01:07 PM
Well there's a couple settings you have to configure for it to work.

In mIRC go to File > Options


(It should look like this if you have the right version.)

In that window that pops up go the "IRC Servers" and choose "All".

On the list under that find the DALnet server that is closest to your home our your ISP's station. Make sure it is a DALnet server.

Under that you should see a couple boxes. Where it says your full name you can enter your real full name if you are comfortable with it. Don't worry, it's not unsafe if someone knows your name =).

Under the "Full Name" box, you will see your email address box. You should enter your email address there because then if someone on AO needs to contact you easily they can. As I said before, if you don't want your email address revealed don't enter it, it's up to you.

Under the "Email Address" text box you will see a "Nickname" text box, you enter the name you want everyone to see there. The best name to put there is your AO Forums name so everyone recignizes you.

Under the "Nickname" text box there will be an "Alternative Nickname" text box. This is what you use if your name is already taken, it will automatically switch over to this.

The other stuff is irrevelevant, you don't have to fill in the other stuff. Just leave it blank unless you know what your doing.

Not done yet! When you finish doing that, go to the "Channels" button up in the top bar here.


When you get into that it should look like this:


To the right of the popup go to "Add".

When you click add this window will come up.


Where it says "Channel" put in #automags. Leave the password text box out. Where it says "Description" you can put in whatever you need to recignize the channel, this isn't required but you can put something there. In the "Network" box choose "All". The two boxes under everything are "Auto-Join Channel on Connect", and Auto-Minimize". For the first one, if you check it, everytime you connect Automags.org chat channel will automatically come up (This is what I have configured). For second one, is when you connect it can automatically minimize the Automags.org chat channel...this doesn't matter at all.

If you need any help give me a shout at:

mailto:[email protected]

Thanks for reading! And good luck!!

03-06-2002, 08:40 PM
it keeps telling me that i have been autokilled...whatever that means.

03-06-2002, 09:06 PM
it says theres no v. 6.01 for indiana, what should i do then?

03-06-2002, 10:11 PM
Grr... I have a mac and just got the chat working and they don't have a mac Version of mIrc.

03-07-2002, 06:09 AM
What you are really looking for is an IRC client. Any irc client will do. Just go to your fav sharware/freeware site and look for IRC. BTW IRC is Internet Relay Chat.

This is a very good general IRC help page:

03-07-2002, 02:02 PM
i downloaded mine, took about 7 seconds at 200k per sec...gotta love the high speed connections :)

03-07-2002, 02:16 PM
Well what do you guys think of my walk through? Lol it look kind of long to make the get the pics as a file and then upload them...

03-07-2002, 05:17 PM
Mike, for your work, I thank you. Excellent work and helped me A LOT! Thanks and keep up the good work.

03-07-2002, 05:25 PM
No problem! I know how mad people can get when they can't get stuff like IRC to work, it;s super frusterating! Thanks alot!

03-08-2002, 07:14 PM
Thanks to you I got mine working in less than 5 minutes.

03-08-2002, 09:50 PM

03-08-2002, 10:08 PM
yah - thanks Mike - I'm sure that helped alot of guys who didn't know

and for those of those who don't know, Mirc is nicer to use becasue you can make the chat window as big as your screen :)

03-09-2002, 07:15 PM
Yeah I prefer mIRC over the rest of em, easiest and best.

03-09-2002, 07:18 PM
OK, for the Mac guys out there, get Ircle, you should be able to get it from www.versiontracker.com

Unix folks, check out *****X for the console and Xchat for X Windows.

mIRC is simply an Internet Relay Chat client, there are thousands out for Windows and Unix, so if you don't like mIRC, look around and find one you do like, I use Trillian on the pc, as it does ICQ, AIM, and MSN Messenger as well.

03-10-2002, 08:24 AM

03-10-2002, 03:29 PM
Hahaha splat the signature is priceless! I really like it, so I may have to steal it! Lol just kidding. Good luck to all the mIRC users.

03-15-2002, 10:55 PM
thanks mike, the walk through worked great. See you at the party!

03-16-2002, 09:35 AM
Yeah the party's gonna be sweet!!