View Full Version : cast poll

03-06-2002, 01:09 PM
Well i broke my wrist in gym yesterday and am trying to figure out what color cast to get so i need your guys input. I narrowed the choice down to these 4.

pink-just to be funny and different

03-06-2002, 01:21 PM
whaaaaaaaaat purple isn't even an option!? :p
I actually was forced to wear a pink fiberglass cast in the 8th grade for 9 months. I hated it with a passion, you could see me from a 3 mile radius.

Go for the blue!!

03-06-2002, 02:11 PM
9 months?!?!? What'd ya break...your arm into like a gazillion pieces???? :D hahaha sorry if that sounds insensitive...that's just a way long time to have were a cast. bummer :(

03-06-2002, 02:28 PM
actually it was just a fracture that I got from some guy kicking the crap out of my arm. I have no freakin clue why I had to wear it for so long, I somehow managed to play the piano and violin with it on too. (had it from my knuckles to my shoulder)

edit: just realized that "some guy kicking the crap out of my arm" sounded kind of weird, it was martial arts related :D

03-06-2002, 06:36 PM
Get the black it goes with everything.