View Full Version : Big E-Mag Problem

03-06-2002, 04:52 PM
Well, I recently sold an E-mag on here to Tunaman but now it's leaking HEAVILY out of the barrel when I aired it up today before sending it out. Took it to proshop and had them take a look and replace all the o-rings, but its still leaking like crazy. When I recieved the gun originally, I had quite a bit of paint put through it and it had been fine earlier this week when a friend was using it. Do you guys have ANY idea why its doing this? By the way, I'm running a 68/3000 Maxflow at around 500psi output (I think) through a macroline into the E-mag. The E-mag is completely stock.

03-06-2002, 05:08 PM
That would be my first guess also, raise your input to at least 650.

Then report back if it still isn't working.

03-06-2002, 05:14 PM
rt valves don't like to seal with under 600 psi inputs

03-06-2002, 05:14 PM
ya I think the least recommended pressure to run the Emag at is 600

03-06-2002, 05:19 PM
You need to gas it up quickly. The valve needs a rapid burst of air to seat the o-rings.

You input should be higher the RT valve requires a high input to achieve its phenomenal recharge rate.

Other than that I need more info.

In manual mode when you hold down the trigger does it still leak?

If it DOSENT you need to replace your powertube o-ring. Remove the brass tip under the bolt with a nickel turn the valve upside down and tap until the brass powertube spacer comes out. The o-ring you need to replace will now be exposed. Pull the o-ring out with a pick or somthing if it dosent just fall out.

Replace with appropriate o-ring and assemble in reverse order.

If it still leaks when holding down the trigger in manual mode it could be a variety of o-rings in the on/off or the reg pin assembly. Keep posting I will step you through.

03-06-2002, 06:12 PM
turn up input pressure... my emag does this when i put a tank on it with under 600 psi

03-06-2002, 06:22 PM
Thanks guys! Realised that I needed to do that soon after I posted so I replaced my Maxflow low pressure spring with a high pressure spring, got a fill, cranked it up to 700 psi output and it had a small leak out the back. Replaced the piston o-ring now it works like a wet dream once again! Packing it now to send off to Tunaman!