View Full Version : For you engineers out there - GRIPS

03-06-2002, 05:38 PM
On some markers you need to get into the grip...

What could be done so you could quickly like (bing- bang) take off the grip, do what you need to do and put it back on???

Anyone have a clue?

If you have some time on your hand, I think it'd be cool to think up a way to get grips off in under 10 seconds, and back on with a snap....

Thanks for your ideas, I'll be thinking also, and If I come up with anything report back...


03-07-2002, 07:29 AM
First thing that popped into my mind was a spring loaded magazine type release. It'd drop the secured points on the grip down to only an effective one or two. Your grip would end up being a sleeve that slid on and off the frame. It'd take a little drilling and milling in the frame to install the catch release though. Could be useful though.

Like I said, first thing that popped into my mind. Not only is there something that I'm probably missing. But I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do it. Maybe not quite as cool though :D

03-07-2002, 08:55 AM
Good subject. Just not Deep Blue yet. Let go to Main with it and see if we can get a better response.

03-07-2002, 09:32 AM
File the heads on the grip screws until there is just enough of a lip left to hold of the panels but little enough that you can pull the panels off and pop them back on again without rmoving the screws. This will work best with rubber grips but it will also work with some plastic grips. The biggest benefit to this is that it won't require any modification of the very expensive marker.

03-07-2002, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by tysonmachado
File the heads on the grip screws until there is just enough of a lip left to hold of the panels but little enough that you can pull the panels off and pop them back on again without rmoving the screws. This will work best with rubber grips but it will also work with some plastic grips. The biggest benefit to this is that it won't require any modification of the very expensive marker.

See, I've been validated already. There is an easier, more efficent way to do it. Better to screw up a set of grips then a frame!

03-07-2002, 09:47 AM
if you want to pop the grips off of something so you can get to the dip switches to change firings settings or something like that.

a) cut a window in the grips to let you get where you need to

b) add a door to the side of the grips that you could open or close

03-07-2002, 01:30 PM
Unless you're looking to cheat.. (aka changing fireing modes on the field) there's no real reason for easy acces grip pannels. Any DECENT gun can have everything you need to set accessable from the outside. And if you ened to do frequent setting changes.. while you're tuning the gun I would assume... you can just live the grips off.

03-07-2002, 05:13 PM
the reason Im wanting quickness...

At the field I play at, if you get out, you can usually hussle over to another field and start another game really fast...

So if wanted I thought it'd be better to be able to get my grips off fast and change instead of go back to the car get the screw driver and take the grips off... (i dont put screwdrivers in pockets, they seem to hurt when sliding) :)

BUt yeah, I dont want this for cheating, I am not one to cheat.

Wanted for convienence..

I like your idea though shooterjm, very cool

03-07-2002, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by BenD
BUt yeah, I dont want this for cheating, I am not one to cheat.

Wanted for convienence..

I like your idea though shooterjm, very cool

Cool cool. Like I said, haven't really thought about it. Currently trying to design a drop in egrip. kinda like a boo ya but with less current draw, 2x9v power source, and a much improved solenoid. Once I finish/stall out/forget about that (and a cocker version) I'll have to give it a try.

03-07-2002, 06:10 PM
OK time for the master to enter.

There are a TON of ways to make grips fast to remove. Quick stip pins, and such. But I am going to look in another way. Something more sturdy than QS pins that will hold it better. A rail.. that goes along the top of the frame that slides into the gun's body from the rear... A slitp would be cut down the middle of the frame for the sear.. and also the body so the sear can slide out the back with the frame. See pic attached.

03-07-2002, 06:23 PM

03-07-2002, 06:28 PM
well, maybe for rec. but if these were ever produced they would be banned at all tourneys.

03-07-2002, 06:47 PM
vageta im not sure he is talking about the whole grip frame.. just the grips

03-07-2002, 08:27 PM
Im still confused why you want to remove your grips.
But here is my engineer (propeller head) suggestion.
How you fasten either part is up to you....

03-07-2002, 10:42 PM
ya, tell me why you would need to change your grips while running from one field to the other, and I'll think about a good solution.

03-07-2002, 10:54 PM
tell me why you need a car that can go 230 mph, and can get up to 60 mph in 2.3 seconds....

Get my point?

03-07-2002, 11:00 PM
instead of threaded holes with screws use 1/4 turn pins to hold the grips on (the same thing that holds the body togther on sportsman and modified DIRT cars and alot of body parts for older snowmobiles)

03-07-2002, 11:30 PM
nope, actually i dont see your point at all. Electro guns like the SFL with 24bps semi boards, thats like a mclaren F1....too fast to even use properly or up to the level it was designed to perform.

Grips are totally different. You find one pair you like. You stick with em. You want a new color you change em. They get old, you change em. You want more comfy, u change em, etc. If u want to change mid-day get a screwdriver, or get shorter screws. Grips dont affect nothing, this is kinda silly.

Grip FRAMES that were quick change-able, like vegeta's idea, that would be cool. Wanna play front, pop on the Z-grip you had in your harness in 30 seconds. Wanna go back to cover fire pop on a regular 45 which at least to me seems more suited for that type of playing. Only problem with that is, where does your tank go? :)


03-07-2002, 11:49 PM
yeah i guess that having quick removable grips would be cool but i still dont see why u would have to change grips in such a short amount of time in between matches. just seems like an added feature that u dont really need. Now the frame idea is a decent idea but i still don't think we need to change frames or grips in a period of seconds.

03-08-2002, 03:23 PM
Eh previous to my purchasing a mag, I used to hollow grip frames and keep a few orings, macro line, hex wrench, etc in there. An emergency field kit etc. At that time I had problems with my hoses popping. Also I'll probably try to put my version of the idea on me egrip frame (assuming I finish it). Allow quick access to the battery if there's a midgame failure.

03-09-2002, 09:27 PM
simple, get rid of the grooves for the screws with a file and buy brass eagle quick disconect pins for a stingray. You slid the rite in and out