View Full Version : Why paintball IS a sport....help here plz

03-07-2002, 07:32 PM
Plz, someone, tell all of my friends, or explain how paintball is a sport. I could list all of my reasons, and all of them make complete sense, but my friends reject the idea of paintball as a sport. My friends say this:
1)it isnt a sport because it does not require you to be physically fit.
2)its a "game"
3)its too easy; it doesnt take skill, "I can easily beat you anyday in paintball." -from a football player. lol. I beat kids that play paintball, and I only know one kid my age that is usually better than me.
4)there is no physical contact (meaning you dont actually hit each other)
5)its only played with friends for fun (meaning no prizes, tourneys, rankings like Am, pro-am, pro etc, or organized sponsered teams, all that crap)

If any1 could give me an explanation why it is a sport...

03-07-2002, 07:46 PM
With a little help from my friend Mr. dictionary, I play lawyer
a. Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.
b. A particular form of this activity.
An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.
An active pastime; recreation

03-07-2002, 09:27 PM
Well, to answer their points....

No, you dont have to be fit, but it is a great advantage. If I can make it to a bunker in 5 seconds, and it takes you 10 seconds to get there, then I have a much better chance of staying in.

Doesnt take skill..... hmmmmm not even sure about what to say for this one.

There isnt any physical contact in golf either, or tennis, swimming, etc....

And Im sure you can find evidence of tourneys with huge prizes being given away!

04-06-2002, 07:39 PM
I'm tired of all those people who think it's some Neo-Nazi survivalist dirtbag game!!! There are plenty of tournements which require speed, agility, and lots of stratagy. It requires lots of practice to be good. It's also something that you become good at through work. Just like there are football legues there are paintball organizations that host regional tournements around the world. Paintball is also a team sport. Paintball is more physically exerting then baseball, where you sit around and wait to do something. Paintball is fast and smart, and is the bestest sport out there. :)

04-06-2002, 11:01 PM
well, i have a reply for ur football buddy (more of a suggestion actually). for the part about being physical (no physical contact with another player). There is some physical contact from another player (indirectly). To demonstrate this to them, put them against a wall or a barrier. Take about 20-30 steps back, turn up ur velocity on the gun (let's say 300-330 fps), make sure he has ur mask on, then shoot them once or twice. Then let them try to tell you that there's no physicall contact. i guarentee that it will hurt a little more than some of the football tackles he has taken.


04-06-2002, 11:07 PM
Curling is a sport - event an olympic sport. So is figure skating.

If those are sports Paintball has to be one. Besides "it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, then it's a sport"...we qualify.