View Full Version : What AKLMP thinks about automags.

03-07-2002, 09:20 PM

The AutoMag is a good rec. play gun. Made from stainless it will last a long time without heavy maintenance. However the design has a few flaws, one of which is the on-off. Being a blow forward gun it is a short to medium range gun. It's a good beginners gun.

exact words from the AKLMP website.

i thought it was interesting and full of *EDIT* No cussing.

So i guess they believe in cocker elves too? what do ya'll think?:)

soilent green
03-07-2002, 09:29 PM
I want to know about what they mean by range if they think cockers have a "better range" they are idiots and theirfor should not be listened to unfortunatly people will believe what they read as I once did

Bob Mundon
03-07-2002, 09:30 PM
i just know my stock minimag is nearly as accurate as my friends 1000 dollar setup STO cocker, and i was using old great american paint lol.

03-08-2002, 12:20 AM
Actually that was writen a long time ago and never changed. It has been brought up here a number of times. I will point out once again that AKLAMP makes Excalibers.. very similar to an angel in design and that they are trying to sell guns and explain why they think you should buy their gun.

03-08-2002, 02:34 AM
i was playing some recball a while ago when i just got my cocker. i remember this kid named alex was bunkered down when he yelled back to me "anthony, you have a cocker, i can't reach this guy, lay down some paint on him." i laughed so hard. maybe i'm not looking, but i don't see much of a difference. maybe cause i always play small fields. who knows.

03-08-2002, 03:46 AM
How did cockers get a name for shooting farther? I never understood that. :confused:

03-08-2002, 05:47 AM
Originally posted by ramsee1
How did cockers get a name for shooting farther? I never understood that. :confused:
Prolly some newbie was trying to sound smart to some of his newbie friends, and he said that when the back block comes back, the magical elves go to work and the autococker instantly gains range over any gun.

03-08-2002, 10:26 AM
AKA is just bitter because they cant charge a mag owner $80 for a valve or $70 for a bolt - and theres now where to slap on a use less volumizer chamber...

No upgrades = AKA gets no money


03-08-2002, 10:40 AM

Low Pressure, Low Performance, High Price.

Having had the pleasure of shooting a Revenge V2 (Real Nice, once you turn up the pressure to something realistic), An Excalibur (Overpriced slow, Ugly Angel) and a Viking (2nd Gen Over priced, ugly, slow Angel. I wouldn't touch AKA's stuff with a 10' pole. Another bunch of "LP is the ends, not the means" company, charging too much money, At least Smart Parts makes nice Barrels and Air systems in addition to their guns.

Note: I do like Shockers and Impulses, they perform, and can be easily modified.

Navy Seal
03-08-2002, 10:47 AM
AKA is just stuck up like WDP because they copyed WDP, so they think that they are gods and think they can diss a very reliable gun. They have no clue how good an automag is. I also beat a guy with an Excalibur, he whined like a girl!:D And what gun was i using? Only the best, Automag.:)

03-08-2002, 10:57 AM
well lets see, what dose AKA make....hmm Cocker knock offs (lets call them cock-offs) and angle/schocker knockoffs....(lets call them...crap?) they also make a cock-off/crap mix gun. now there super low pressure blowguns tend to be mule ugly and 2x the price of the real deal....(this has already been stated, but i felt like sayin it again). the reason guns like the FF cockers work so well is its low pressure to a point, they drop the cocking pressure so as not to chop then drop the opperating pressure to something reasonable, this gives you a real high performance gun AND they make them look good....if people understood the truth about STUPIDLY low pressure AKA would have gone under by now...

Tom Sparkman
03-08-2002, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by ramsee1
How did cockers get a name for shooting farther? I never understood that. :confused:

A couple of reasons.

The first is when Mags first came out the only game in town was CO2. By the end of a 30 minute game my velocity would often be way down if I was doing some serious shooting. Other times I would get liquid when chrono'ing for the first game and need to turn it down to get on the field. By the middle of the game it would be shooting 200fps.

Another problem was the velocity adjuster would back out during a game, especially noticable with 'dial-a-welts'.

Last was Thumping - when a Cocker user would push on the long rod sticking out thru the back block which would increase the velocity around 20fps. That's the reason Tournaments required a beavertail for Cockers.

And there's always hype.


03-12-2002, 08:50 PM
yup.....uh huh.........thats right.........yep..........

03-13-2002, 05:10 PM
it's really sad that so many people can make assumptions on aka without ever dealing with them, with the exception of mykroft, who is just a bitter billy, simply because of a 5 year old web page that has been neglected.

Aaron has probably given some of the best conversation and technical information on paintball i've heard, and really, don't get into this "well tom is better" crap. Tom is great, but just because he shows you friendship doesn't mean you have to go off on everyone else in the industry over NOTHING. I'm sickened enough by the smear campaigns taking over every commercial break today. What's the big deal that I have to come here and read this crap?

03-13-2002, 05:37 PM
Hey Rios_Creos, I think you are the first person I have ever seen to quote me in a signature... I'm flattered and glad that I amuse you enough for you to do so :D

I like a lot of AKA products, I think there is a lot of thought behind many of them and they are of quality manufacture. I just wish some of them weren't so expensive. AKA used to be hype mongers but I think they are moving away from that now with proven quality products.
