View Full Version : Z grip RT Spacer

03-08-2002, 08:08 AM
Woo, I finally got a mag (thanks to Manike) and I found someone willing to sell me an RT Z grip for cheap (£60).

Knowing that I'll need a spacer (I have a classic mag) I happily typed up an email to AGDE asking about the spacer, the Mag video and some plastic nubbins.

They emailed me back saying that it isn't possible to run an RT zgrip on a classic body and the spacer doesn't exist, which bemused me somewhat.

What do I do now? I'd feel silly being upfront with whoever told me this, because its their company, and they should know whats going on.

Major Ho
03-08-2002, 08:42 AM
I have a RT Zgrip that is running on a minimag body, same diff. The spacer that Tunaman gave me when he sold it looks very oddly like a powertube spacer. Even Rob said so himself. Only it doesnt have the numbering on it. Try out some spacers in there and see if it works.

03-08-2002, 09:23 AM
email the agd office over here and let them know what you need.. .either they can get it too you or they can lay a little smack down on agde for ya and have them get you one...... in the meen time.... all you need to find, or try... is to find a hollow tube, perferablely metal, that will fit in the field strip screw hole on the grip, but have a large enough diameter for the field strip screw to fit through.... of course what would be more fun right now would be to keep buggin agde about it untill they come to there senses..... and if the bushing didnt exsist then i wonder how i am run my rt zgrip on my minimag.....

soilent green
03-08-2002, 11:13 AM
yea it is a little brass spacer and yes it will work on the classic my gun is proof of that

03-08-2002, 11:36 AM
I have made one out of a powertube spacer. turn down the outside and press it into the grip..

03-08-2002, 11:51 AM
i have been running mine without a spacer

just have to center it on the rail

03-08-2002, 01:17 PM
aah, thanks guys, I was under the impression that it was threaded or something omplicated, but having thought about it i could probably find/make one fairly easily.


03-08-2002, 01:25 PM
I went to the hardware store and bought a little piece of plastic tubing, for $.30 I had enough to make about 20 spacers.

03-08-2002, 02:10 PM
AGD Europe must have one employee that is in the dark. It does exist and they should know all about it somewhere at AGDE. I think you should educate them about it. It is indeed a lot like a PT spacer (which works from reports but need a rail bushing to firm it up) But this one made jsut for this seems a bit thicker. And if you use this one you have to cut a rail bushing in half for the upper rail part as this thing fits nice and tight without any rail bushing in the grip part. Your email answer is wrong.