View Full Version : Is it a sear problem???

03-08-2002, 08:16 AM
When I was cleaning my gun last night I encountered this problem:
Fire gun, release trigger, leaking down the barrel. Pull trigger again, release trigger, leaking stops (the second trigger pull does not result in another shot though)
My guess:
bolt is not returning all the way, the second trigger pull jostles the sear back onto the bolt and stops the leak. OR the on/off pin is sticking (or for some reason got short all the sudden) and is not pushing the back of the sear (where it contacts the on/off pin) all the way down therefore not allowing the sear to catch the bolt. The second trigger pull loosens the pin and the sear catches. I have done nothing to the marker the issue just crept up. A few times on the field I would fire and a stream of balls would shoot out until I pulled the trigger again at which point it stopped. I didn't realize this until later but it must have been the samething happening but with balls in the gun I was able to see all the balls shoot out.

What the hey is going on and how can I stop this problem?

Rock on!

03-08-2002, 09:24 AM
It could be a sear problem but it might be an on/off problem in that the on/off pin is not popping down and letting more gas in the chamber. If it move only a little bit it will let air in but it will not seal the o-ring in the power tube and it will leak a little down the barrel. You might try checking if there is any marks on the on/off pin that might be stopping it or if it is not polished smooth. I had one hanging up on the o-ring in the on/off bottom and doing much the same thing. It would hiss for a long time and eventually recharge and kinda fire after 20 seconds or so. I replaced the on/off o-rings and polished the pin around the sides with a small buffing wheel on a dremmel and it worked fine. Good luck and hope you get it fixed.

03-08-2002, 10:21 AM
hey cool thanks man. I will replace the o-rings. I thought it might have been then pin. Funny thing is, I am also having a hard time getting the valve assembly out of the body all the sudden. I think it might have something to do with the on/off assy as well because when I do get it out, the on/off bottom is sticking out a bit, i.e. not flush and right in the valve. could this have something to do with the problem with the leaking as well, i.e. something funky going on with the on/off assy as a whole?

03-08-2002, 10:38 AM
Before you go replacing o-rings, try replacing the bolt spring and the PT spacer with a spacer one size longer.

03-08-2002, 12:52 PM
Cool, thanks BlackVCG

You think it might be my spring? It is fairly new and seems to be ok. Also regarding the pt spacer. even though i have a spacer kit I have never been able to find a spacer that works in my power tube which bums me out to know end cause i have been haering all this good stuff with what spacers can do. right now I am using the old spring which seems to be the only thing that will work in my marker. The smallest spacer will start to leak when I put the least bit of pressure on the trigger. If you have a suggestion on how I can fix this then it would be apprecieated. I was thinking about putting two pt o-rings in there (stacking them) to see what that would do.

03-08-2002, 01:06 PM
if you have a power tube spring how old is your gun? i could have swore that they came with spacers now. mine did many years ago.

03-08-2002, 01:19 PM
don't know exactly how old it is, I bought it used but the serial is a cf41*** if that helps put a date to it. anyway any solution on getting a spacer in there in stead of a spring.

03-08-2002, 01:26 PM
i got my mag in 97 and it has a lower # than yours so i bet yours is newer.

if you have a spacer kit start with a spacer that is about in the middle in size. then work your way out or in from there. each time you change spacers gas the gun up and you will eventuly find a spacer that works.

i never used a spring but i used to hear that they could hang on the bolt pin and cause sticking so that may be the problem. i stress that i am not sure how true that is thow because i have never used one.

03-08-2002, 01:48 PM
Yeah Predator, I have tried all the spacers. the closest I have been anle to get is the smallest and it would leak when I put the slightest pressure on the trigger. some would say so don't put pressure on the trigger but during play i can't control it and what ends up happening is the gun would start to release air and subsequently when I fire the velocity would drop off significantly. anyway the spring always worked so no problem but now if my spring is starting to crap out on me i may be humped! any help would be appreciated.

03-08-2002, 02:17 PM
all i can think of now is to call AGD. you could spend more mony on a new spacer kit. but just callAGD they should help.