View Full Version : any recomended tinkering?

03-08-2002, 09:21 AM
i am shooing a retro powerfeed mag w/ maxflo tank. it has been shooting well for a little over a year now. what i was wondering is if there was something to polish or change that would improve performance. i see how some ppl have consistency close to +/- 1 or 2. i havn't spent that much time over the chronograph but i would guess it was closer to +/- 5-10 for me.
i have heard that it is better to leave everything stock than to try to adjust certain things (trigger rod length) but i am sure some of you have little hints.

03-08-2002, 11:31 AM
Match your paint to your barrel. I have got within 1 fps with a properly matched barrel

03-08-2002, 11:42 AM
how much of a difference does it make for you? +/-1 with a good match, what +/- does a bad match give you?
i rotate between about 5 different barrels, jj ceramic, armson stealth, sp progressive, all american, cp. I shot about a different type of paint every case trying to find the best combo. i have tried hellfire, marbs, pmi, proball, steel(a very good ball imo), the local field paint, and probably about 10 others. i find that the new marbs are a very good match to my jj but it only improves my efficency, not consistency. meaning i can turn the velocity down i would guess using less air. my acuracy improves also but my +/- fps still varies the same.
thx for the advice.

03-08-2002, 11:54 AM
are you taking in to account the flux in velocity from your first shot on. im talking about the super fast recharge thing? other than that im not sure.

03-09-2002, 12:04 AM
You might need to clean or replace your reg seat.

03-09-2002, 12:24 AM
whares the reg seat in an rt.:confused: i didnt think mine had one.:confused:

03-09-2002, 01:32 AM
I use KC trouble free oil exclusively on my mag. I admit I don't get within 1 fps all the time.

However, paint to barrel match is significant.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that I run my e-mag at 600-700 psi input. I can get within 3-4 fps all the time at 700 psi. RT valves are more consistent with less input pressure.

03-09-2002, 02:40 AM
When you unscrew the back half on the Retro Valve if you lift up on the brass piece under it is an o-ring. That o-ring is the reg. seat. Go here for a diagram of the Retro Valve parts.


It's actually marked wrong in the diagram, but the o-ring inbetween the reg. valve pin and the brass reg. seat holder is the reg. seat o-ring. Not the reg. valve pin o-ring. That's the tiny o-ring that sits in the pocket of the brass piece.