View Full Version : .45 Frame trigger assembly

Hunter Predd
03-08-2002, 09:39 AM
Rigth i just bought a .45 double trigger frame and a DT for my automag, now i need to get teh tiny little pin that the trigger is on and the safety pin does any body know a website that ships to teh UK that sells them???

03-08-2002, 03:05 PM
Have you called AGD? They have the parts! Do you have the stock trigger frame? The parts from a stock trigger frame can also be used!

Hunter Predd
03-09-2002, 11:04 AM
i have the stock trigger frame and already tried that and teh pieces dont allow the trigger to move easily. and agd europe doesnt have teh pieces and agd in the usa wont allow me to use a U.S. credit card unless i hae a U.S. billing address, which i dont. so im screwed unless i can find another company.

Hunter Predd
03-09-2002, 01:07 PM
sorry i just tried using the stock stuff and it works using a bit of elbow greace and a large hammer, hhehehehe thx

03-09-2002, 08:07 PM
You can probably order direct from AGD Europe.